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Old 01-10-2011, 04:33 AM
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WM Recorder recording BBC radio streams without any problem after the latest changes?

I've read that WM Recorder in the WMX mode and the LOOPBACK Stream Recorder work just fine with BBC streams, despite the changes made by BBC in early January 2010. I just want to make sure that it works and that it can overcome the 60 minute limit that other programs seems to have when recording from BBC faster than in real time. I'm interested in the Download Mode of the LOOPBACK stream recorder or the WMX mode only, since real time recording is too slow for me. Please also let me know if you can record multiple streams from BBC at the same time.

Thank you in advance!
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Old 01-10-2011, 11:10 PM
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Re: WM Recorder recording BBC radio streams without any problem after the latest chan

I've heard the same thing - but being in the US myself I'm not able to test this.

I HAVE heard this from a few sources however - perhaps somebody can chime in who's tried this?
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