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Old 10-17-2007, 04:29 AM
Posts: n/a

WinMPG Video Convert

WinMPG Video Convert To Update v6.8.0.3

WinMPG Video Convert is a complete solution for video file conversion. It supports convert

avi to mpeg1, avi to mpeg2, avi to dvd, avi to vcd, avi to svcd. And also rmvb to mpeg1,

mpeg2, vcd, dvd, svcd, avi. All media formats to avi, divx, rmvb, 3gp, mp4, wmv. And all

media formats to vcd, dvd, svcd, mpeg1, mpeg2.
WinMPG Video Convert supports almost all media file format, include avi, mpeg1, mpeg2, mpeg

-4, vcd, svcd, dvd, divx, asf, wmv, rmvb, rm, 3gp, mp4, QuickTime mov, and flash swf.

Preview is supportted.

What's New :

V6.8.0.3 2007-10-09

Optimize the install package. Integrate RM (RMVB) into the install package. Now you do not

have to install HelixSDK.exe, WinMPG Video Convert supports RM (RMVB) directly.
Fix some bugs.

Thank you again for your time reading my article.

Users interesting comments:
1: RealPlayer is a great media player software!I recently discovered converting video files

to the excellent by Winmpg video convert .It support RealPlayer video decoder. We recommend

the use of Winmpg video convert to a video editing and conversion, using RealPlayer to play

and display your video and film documents. I feel this is the perfect combination. Both the

video, film or the effect of converting the player screen effects are very perfect. Clear

picture, sound animated full.
2:I used Winmpg video conversion, the adoption of Nero burn my CDs, I kept to collect video

and movie files. In my spare time, can be watched at any time, the effect was very good to

watch video.
3:It functions is not very omnipotent.
4:We usually use Winmpg video convert and MediaCell Video Converter to a video file

conversion. Feeling two software conversion results have been very good.
5:Through Winmpg after converting video files to the very good support for All video formats

mutual conversion. We recommend the use of Winmpg video convert to a video editing and

conversion, in the use of Almost all to play and display your video and film documents.

[moderator's notice: The main problem with such software is that developers don't know english well so it is hard to understand what software really does on official web-sites or ads like this post. It is even more problematic to receive quality support for such programs. It is up to you whether to use such software.]

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 10-17-2007 at 06:48 AM. Reason: use proper thread names
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