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Old 12-10-2014, 02:12 AM
strumpcarec strumpcarec is offline
Join Date: May 2014
Location: United States
Posts: 42
strumpcarec is on a distinguished road

Why are there 2 different versions of rtmpdump-2.4?

I've recently begun using RTMPDumpHelper which as you know requires the RTMPDump Toolkit.

The first time I set up RTMPDumpHelper, I downloaded the Nov 9, 2012 RTMPDump Toolkit from It worked great.

Later, when I set up RTMPDumpHelper on a different computer, I downloaded the Sep 12, 2013 RTMPDump Toolkit from without realizing that it was something different.

Despite both being named rtmpdump-2.4, they are not the same. In particular, I've noticed that:

rtmpdump-2.4 (Nov 9, 2012 version):
- Downloads MP4 files as MP4
- If a stream is interrupted, the original downloaded file is overwritten with new data

rtmpdump-2.4 (Sep 12, 2013 version):
- Downloads MP4 files as FLV
- Includes the date and time in the filename
- If a stream is interrupted, a new file (with the new date/time in its name) is created, sparing the original file from being overwritten

Now, the files that I want to download are MP4s. I know this because it says:

Playpath : mp4:filename_here.mp4
I don't like how the Sep 12, 2013 version downloads them as FLV. But I do like how it includes the date/time in the filename to prevent overwriting.

Anyway to get the best of both worlds?
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