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Old 11-13-2006, 12:00 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Why are some AOL videos easy to capture and others not?

Hi,Kevinca2004! Why don't you record Windows Media .WMV stream instead of QT .MOV???
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Old 11-13-2006, 12:42 PM
Kevinca2004 Kevinca2004 is offline
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Re: Why are some AOL videos easy to capture and others not?

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder
Hi,Kevinca2004! Why don't you record Windows Media .WMV stream instead of QT .MOV???
Well, to be perfectly honest, I've never had any luck with AOL videos until someone clued me in on changing the URL (Progressive Stream, _mov etc etc).

I've tried several different ways using the programs people have mentioned on here Replay A/V, URL Sniffer, HiDownload) but I've never had luck capturing the streams other than by capturing the .mov version. Any other time I try and capture the .wmv, the hour glass just sits at 0% with no results. Maybe I'm selecting the wrong stream? Is there something special I have to do to the address for the .wmv version? What program should I be using to capture the .wma version?

This is a strange intermittent problem as the original poster mentioned. I was able to download:

(You can see it has the extra extention of "_00602498534052" after the file name simaliar to what the Britny Fox address has)

No problems with Zombie. But Britny Fox, I'm stumped.

I'm not opposed to trying other ways, but would really like to retain as much of the quality as possible. I've always thought the .mov was as good as it gets...

Thank you.

Last edited by Kevinca2004 : 11-13-2006 at 01:54 PM.
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Old 11-13-2006, 05:30 PM
Kevinca2004 Kevinca2004 is offline
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Re: Why are some AOL videos easy to capture and others not?

Just to give an update...

Yes, I finally figured out how to capture the .WMV file.

Takes a little playing around with to get Hidownloader to recognize it and grab the file - I guess I shall be more patient when it's trying to connect.

In any case - Still would love to solve this quirky thing with grabbing the .mov vs. the .wmv.

If anyone has success being able to grab the Britny Fox - Girlschool in .MOV format, please do enlighten!

Many thanks to everyone.
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Old 11-13-2006, 07:49 PM
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Re: Why are some AOL videos easy to capture and others not?

Originally Posted by Kevinca2004
So has anyone actually figured out how to grab this Britny Fox - Girlschool video? I would really like to know as I've run into other instances where there is an extra extention in the file name like "V01411cev0101_1_1_" and making the "usual" changes to the URL to grab the .mov don't work.

Please let me know. It was a total fluke I even came across this thread but I've been trying to figure this exact same thing out - SAME VIDEO too!

I have URL Snooper, HiDownloader, Replay AV and still can't grab it.

Can anyone throw me a bone on how I would proceed with a file (please use the Britny Fox one as the example)

Thanks a lot!! Have learned so much info reading these forums.
Im not for sure but I think videos with url's similar to these V01411cev0101_1_1 are from sony music,and none or most of these from sony videos from aol have a .mov stream.The good news is most of the aol music videos from sony music have higher quality(1000k & 1500k) .wmv streams.I just downloaded a 1000k .wmv stream of Britny Fox - Girlschool from aol.
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Old 11-14-2006, 12:55 AM
Kevinca2004 Kevinca2004 is offline
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Re: Why are some AOL videos easy to capture and others not?

Originally Posted by FourFifth
Im not for sure but I think videos with url's similar to these V01411cev0101_1_1 are from sony music,and none or most of these from sony videos from aol have a .mov stream.The good news is most of the aol music videos from sony music have higher quality(1000k & 1500k) .wmv streams.I just downloaded a 1000k .wmv stream of Britny Fox - Girlschool from aol.
Nice! Can you share the secret on knowing which one is which? Is there a clue in the URL?

Thanks for tipping me to this.

LOL. I think Britny Fox has prolly gotten more hits and press from this thread in the last three days than they've gotten in the last 15 years.
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Old 11-14-2006, 12:15 PM
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Re: Why are some AOL videos easy to capture and others not?

Originally Posted by Kevinca2004
Nice! Can you share the secret on knowing which one is which? Is there a clue in the URL?

Thanks for tipping me to this.

LOL. I think Britny Fox has prolly gotten more hits and press from this thread in the last three days than they've gotten in the last 15 years.
I used this url and I made an .asx then played it and recorded it with WM Recorder in auto mode mms:// cab3ac0c44528dbd3b11233f4840900&bwhint=700&cmp=AOL &cty=US&brd=AOL&pid=DL&isAOL=0&disabled=undefined& cpid=pmmsid:1372028&franchise=MUSIC:%20Music%20Vid eos&genre=MUSIC%20-%20Pop& End=1&playlistCurrent=1&AuthToken=r=1972916571&uid =de7cf469e91bb1771db0ebb58623a0bb&sid=5cab3ac0c445 28dbd3b11233f4840900&expires=1163534692&csum=11a2b 2f29886a72b27880698d4096682
I sniffed the mms url and just changed the bitrate from 700 to 1000
but this url is expired,the url's are only good for a couple minutes so you have to do it pretty fast
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Old 11-14-2006, 09:52 PM
Stream Recorder
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WM Recorder: Auto and URL recording modes. Recording .ASX files.

Originally Posted by FourFifth
I used this url and I made an .asx then played it and recorded it with WM Recorder in auto mode mms:// cab3ac0c44528dbd3b11233f4840900&bwhint=700&cmp=AOL &cty=US&brd=AOL&pid=DL&isAOL=0&disabled=undefined& cpid=pmmsid:1372028&franchise=MUSIC:%20Music%20Vid eos&genre=MUSIC%20-%20Pop& End=1&playlistCurrent=1&AuthToken=r=1972916571&uid =de7cf469e91bb1771db0ebb58623a0bb&sid=5cab3ac0c445 28dbd3b11233f4840900&expires=1163534692&csum=11a2b 2f29886a72b27880698d4096682
I sniffed the mms url and just changed the bitrate from 700 to 1000
but this url is expired,the url's are only good for a couple minutes so you have to do it pretty fast
If you have a URL you may use the WM Recorder in the URL mode to record it. In this mode media streams can be recorded up to 5 times faster.

ASX file is a good way to record a part of your media stream. Here is an example of the .ASX file that will start playing your stream from the second minute and will play only 15 seconds:
<ASX version="3.0">
<ENTRY ClientSkip="no">
<StartTime value = "00:02:00.000" />
<Duration value = "00:00:15.000" />
<REF HREF="mms://"/>
If for whatever reason you don't like the URL mode of WM Recorder, you may record in the Auto mode, just play an ASX file in the Windows Media Player. Here is an example of an .ASX file without time and duration values:
<ASX version="3.0">
<ENTRY ClientSkip="no">
<REF HREF="mms://"/>
Please remember that AOL stream URLs expire quickly!

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 11-14-2006 at 10:52 PM.
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Old 12-18-2006, 03:47 AM
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Cant Download MOV files over rtsp protocol from

I am using gamv, a tool that can download, show and give the direct link to the music videos features on I ave down loaded many but can't download those which starts with rtsp:// for example rtsp://
I have tried almost all download managers that supports rtsp protocols, like HiDownload, MovRecorder, NetTransport, Flashget etc, but was all in vain. I am running WinXP SP2 on my PC. Please help. Thanx
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Old 12-18-2006, 04:08 AM
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download Hi Quality Music Videos from

Hi I am happy to share my music video downloading experience with u all.
A tool called GAMV (Get Aol Music Videos) can give the link of music videos of your choice.Here is the link "" . It can also show u the video or can even download of it's own. But I paste the link to download manager Internet Download Manager (IDM) becuse of the speed.
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