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Old 08-28-2008, 10:52 AM
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Which software will let me add 'track marks' or edit when recording streaming audio?

I hope somebody can help me with this.

Once the recording of streaming audio (online radio) has started I need to be able to add 'track marks' as and when to divide up the recording. Is pausing / un-pausing an option, or doing the same thing with stop / start, but without having to stop the audio stream? Or to be able to edit the recording in the same way once it's ended. Also, the software needs to support both Real Player and Windows Media Player. Any ideas?

Thanks for your help and time people.
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Old 08-28-2008, 11:36 AM
Stream Ripper Stream Ripper is offline
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Re: Which software will let me add 'track marks' or edit when recording streaming aud

Check out Replay Music for this. It does exactly what you're asking about. :-)

There is a "split now" button that works PERFECTLY with online radio.

I hope this helps! Oh, you can get a FREE demo too so you can know if it fits your needs or not.

Stream to the Ripper
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