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Old 01-01-2009, 07:43 PM
Posts: n/a

WebSite Voice Recording Capabilities?

I am not internet web technology person.

Question. Does anyone know of a software that will allow people visiting my website to record a short 15-30 sec voice clip directly onto the website. The webmaster would possibly manipulate voice clip and repost on site for all visitors to listen. The recording software would be on the server NOT the visitor's computer. They would simply visit and record. I am not requesting the visitor to upload voice file to site. It would be like me posting a voice clip on this forum.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or link. Apologies for my technology ignorance on this subject. I need help with how to proceed or if this is possible.

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Old 01-02-2009, 11:08 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: WebSite Voice Recording Capabilities?

I haven't seen any software like that, but I've seen several web-sites utilizing similar concepts. All of them used Flash, so I believe that it allows you to create something like this.

I suggest you to hire an experienced programmer to do the job. You may use Freelance project marketplaces to outsource you task. They have lots of highly skilled professionals from Russia, India, US, Canada,.... so it should be cheap. Make sure the freelancer has enough experience in such things (see the rating and reviews on the web-site).

And create a very detailed description for your project. Make sure a chosen freelancer understands your ideas perfectly. Communicate with him regularly to see the progress in implementing your project and to understand that the freelancer is doing exactly what you need.

Freelance marketplaces use "Escrow Payments" (you submit the bid amount to an escrow account only after you accept coder's bid). If you're not satisfied with the result, you can simply request freelance marketplace staff to determine if the contract was met or not. Satisfaction is guaranteed!
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