So I have had a webcamxp stream for 5 years now with minimal problems mainly dealing with getting it up and running and forgetting about it. In the past 2 years I have been using a Linksys wireless camera (broadcasting through webcamxp) with no problems after set-up, and this past month finally embed into my own site, again everything fine until this past week, I had some viruses but they were cleaned up and everything was back to normal but then some visitors told me the bottom half of the stream would often refresh and I was looking into that when one night a few days ago I noticed that the FPS visitors were recieving was less that 1 )more often 0.5) in spite of the settings being all for 5fps. I've tried everything to try and change things but nothing seems to work and I have wasted too much time for no solution. It is really upsetting because I enjoy this hobby and would hate to have to give it up but I have no idea what's wrong and thus no idea how to fix it. I've always had a perfect stream and just randomly one night it wasnt.
Please any suggestions or solutions would be a godsend or if someone knows of a better free software for broadcasting ip/network cams and embedding them into a webpage (I know webcamxp cant be the only one)
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!! I am soooo upset!!!
If you want to see the problem for yourself check (will be off tonight 1am mst- 10am mst)[/b]