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Old 06-26-2014, 02:47 PM
Rusch_Meyer Rusch_Meyer is offline
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Webcam Interview simple but high quality solution?

Hey Everyone,
a customer asked me to record webcam interviews for an exhibtion. The people being interviewed are busy and famous people so I need a simple solution where they dont need to install much software or do many adjustments to their systems preferences. Of course I want to record the best quality possbile without dropouts in picture or sound. I made some tests with Google Hangout but you need to install a plugin to use it and some of my test partners werent able to do that technically, so I think it's just to complicated. I tried Skype with Call recorder, it's much easiert to use, most people allready have it on their computer. I had some dropouts but not so many.

So i think i will go down one of tow roads:

1. Is their another service other than skype which is easy to use and has higher streaming quality? Any suggestions would be so much appreciated!

2. If I stick to skype how can i improve quality? I'm using an ethernet cable instead of wifi, hope that helps. Any more suggestions what i and ma interview partners could do to improve quality?

Thank you so much for any help, i would appreciate it so much!!!!
Thank you, Simon
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Old 06-17-2016, 04:18 PM
angieral89 angieral89 is offline
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Re: Webcam Interview simple but high quality solution?

I think you can use a Skype recorder, its easy to use and install and its free, it has also many tutorials on youtube, hope it works for you
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Old 11-01-2016, 02:42 AM
joshua1980 joshua1980 is offline
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Re: Webcam Interview simple but high quality solution?

Originally Posted by Rusch_Meyer View Post
Hey Everyone,
a customer asked me to record webcam interviews for an exhibtion. The people being interviewed are busy and famous people so I need a simple solution where they dont need to install much software or do many adjustments to their systems preferences. Of course I want to record the best quality possbile without dropouts in picture or sound. I made some tests with Google Hangout but you need to install a plugin to use it and some of my test partners werent able to do that technically, so I think it's just to complicated. I tried Skype with Call recorder, it's much easiert to use, most people allready have it on their computer. I had some dropouts but not so many.

So i think i will go down one of tow roads:

1. Is their another service other than skype which is easy to use and has higher streaming quality? Any suggestions would be so much appreciated!

2. If I stick to skype how can i improve quality? I'm using an ethernet cable instead of wifi, hope that helps. Any more suggestions what i and ma interview partners could do to improve quality?

Thank you so much for any help, i would appreciate it so much!!!!
Thank you, Simon
Suggest you can try with Daum pot player or OBS, we are using these software to go with SEETEC USB capture HDMI dongle.

Maybe you can contact with

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