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Old 10-18-2010, 11:19 PM
Stealth3si Stealth3si is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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WDTV Live, Netgear WNDA3100 Wi-Fi,Netgear WNDR3300: 1080p HD videos playback problems

Hi, my name is Wah and I'm glad to be here. I would be thankful if I can get some advice here from this particular forum thread.

Anyway, by wireless streaming/playback I mean watching a video wirelessly with no transcoding, a simple 'press' and play.

So I was wondering if someone could help me resolve an issue I have and point me to a problem that is the source of the symptom. I would really appreciate it and have included as much diagnostic information as I can.

A symptom I'm having is when wirelessly playing 1080p HD video (like compressed BluRay MKVs). Playing them over direct wired connection from PC to router to a WDTV Live (an HD network media player) is perfectly OK and wirelessly playing 720p plays fine too. The symptom is that at certain parts or scenes of the 1080p movie (maybe 3-5 random scenes in total) the video would begin playing really slow (2-3x play speed) and the audio cuts out for several seconds or sometimes for the entire duration of the "frame-a-thon" until I hit the rew/ff button. I don't know if it's the WDTV Live, the wireless adapter, the wireless router or the wireless connection.

Here are the facts:

-WDTV Live
-Netgear WNDA3100-NAR100 wifi adapter on WDTV Live
-Netgear WNDR3300-NAR100 wireless router w/ latest Netgear firmware V1.0.45_1.0.45WW (wireless mode: Up to 270mpbs @ 2.4Ghz; security: WPA2-PSK [AES]; AP mode on, 11n SSID enabled, 11g SSID disabled; QoS disabled, everything else is default)

In my entire house:
-There are no other devices connected to the router besides the directly wired computer hosting the video file and the wireless WDTV Live.
-There is only this one router, the one WNDA3100 wireless adapter, one wireless client (WDTV Live)
-There are no other wireless clients or devices that are in operation, not even microwaves or phones.

The WDTV Live is in the same room with the router and is only 2-3 horizontally feet away from the router that is behind a wooden bookcase whose side wall is about 1 inch think. Vertically they are the same.

WDTV Live <-----2-3 ft------> | 1" thick wood wall | router

My thoughts:

·Is the N-Speed somehow "limited" or "crippled?"
---how can I maximize the speed throughput?

·Is it wireless interference?
---what can I do to decrease wireless traffic? I've tried using ONLY the 5ghz band but the symptom remains.

·Are the router's settings not optimal?
---What settings do I change to solve the issue (or maximize speed throughput)?

·Is the router's AC power adapter defective or is it not good enough?
---How would I know this?
---Will replacing the factory Netgear AC power adapter (12v 1.5A) to a better AC power adapter (12v 2.0A) solve the issue?

·Is the router itself defective?
---How would I know this?

What could be the cause of this symptom?

I would be grateful if these questions can be answered in descending order, if possible.

And if this matter can't be resolved, my alternative would be to replace the current router with another one. I'm thinking of the ASUS RT-N12 since it is cheap, has external antennas and great reviews that I've read. I don't know if this would solve the problem I'm currently experiencing however.

Otherwise, my last option would be to settle for watching the videos from an attached wired USB external drive but before I resign I'd like to get the most out of the "wireless" method of watching videos, if I can.
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