This movie was not exactly what I was expecting. I thought it was going to be cute and funny, which it was. However, this film has a very fresh and different look to it which really captivates the viewer in a peculiar sort of way. Its low-key approach and the methodical movement of its characters interspersed with moments of bizarre humor are great fun and entertainment that keeps you interested throughout. The background artwork is reminiscent of early animated cartoons while the characters are drawn with great simplicity yet yield great depth and emotion. This is a really different looking film from Disney and demonstrates that they are still capable of great innovation. LILO & STITCH is not a flamboyant film but instead it is one that you will savor. I found it to be the most memorable film of this summer. My family loved it.
Get this DVD and watch it, twice. It's worth it. The story is charming, emotional, and real to life. People find that they can change, that they have a place in life, even if it's not the same place as everyone else.It's real Hawaii, the wonderful, traditional, somewhat anti-tourist place that I remember.
It's scientific fantasy without the endless laser blasts, a family story without the so-called "traditional" family, a love story that includes arguing... In short, it mirrors the lives we lead, but the mirror is forgiving.Quite a lot for an animation!And of course, it's full of the King of Rock and Roll, and that ain't bad.You will read some review here that pan the movie because it features a less than idyllic family scene. My response is, thank goodness! I want the audience to raise it's hands if they've never EVER argued with a sibling...Good, no hands.Great movie. A keeper.
100 Years of Magic, Walt Disney World