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Old 06-11-2012, 02:19 AM
gregoriojean6633 gregoriojean6633 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2012
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gregoriojean6633 is on a distinguished road

The Walking Dead has gone a long way

Fans of The Walking Dead comic series know that The Governor is just about the baddest dude to survive the apocalypse. So you've no doubt been clamoring to get a first look at David Morrissey as the character in The Walking Dead Season 2.

Andrea appears to be mince meat but a person with a shroud hiding his/her face kills the walker. He/she has two armless walkers toddling on leashes like psycho pets. Fun! Presumably, we will learn who this person is next season. In classic TV show plot-contriving fashion, Shane then rammed his face into a tree to sell the story that Randall had jumped him and made off with his weapon. This creates the manhunt situation in which he planned to find the one-on-one time to shoot Rick, assigning the blame to the supposedly armed and on the loose Randall.

What else happened in the mass attack of zombies in The Walking Dead Season 2 dvd? Rick and Carl, dodging and weaving at the front of the zombie wave, lure the walkers into the ill-fated barn that had been the Greene family??s private preserve of infected relatives and neighbors. Once the horde shambles in, Carl drops a lighter and sends the structure ¨C along with scores of zombies ¨C up in flames.

The problem, as ever, for The Walking Dead is that when these well-choreographed ballets of blood and adrenaline finally arrive, they feel less earned and more like an attempt to distract from the RV-sized plot holes that preceded them. Last night??s teaser asked us to accept that the rampaging herd could be traced back to the still-incongruous helicopter flying over Atlanta in the pilot.

The Walking Dead season 2 dvd has came out and you can watch the interesting show on DVD,buy dvd online help you to enjoy the show muc inconvenient!
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