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Old 04-16-2017, 04:09 AM
new2017 new2017 is offline
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Viewing and recording RTMP in VLC player

Hi there,

I've recently joined a group where a guy does talks and shows pictures etc. in a chat room via video, my pc is old and doesn't like flash so i need to view and download the talks via RTMP. I can copy and paste the text that's not a problem but I'm really struggling with the video. I got given the RTMP links that should play in VLC but i don't know what bits to use and everything I've tried so far has made errors.

This is all the RMTP data i have:

rtmpdump -v -q -r rtmp:// -p "" -s "" -C O:1 -C NB:reconnect:0 -C NS:fromDomain: -C NS:appType:chat -C O:0 | ffplay -window_title "PhotographyEmpowering" -

I'm totally new to this so how do i get that to work in VLC or is there an easier way with other software?

All help appreciated - Paul
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Old 04-16-2017, 05:02 AM
lamkana81 lamkana81 is offline
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Re: Viewing and recording RTMP in VLC player

Má»›i nhá??t vá»? xe tá??i c??n chá??t thiá??u t?? CSGT á»? trá??m thu ph?*

Ng?*y 16/4, C?´ng an tỉnh th?*nh Bi??n H??a Ä‘?? c?? b??o c?? ch?*nh thức vá»? vá»? tai ná??n giao th?´ng xá??y ra tr??n quốc lá»™ 1A (Ä‘oá??n qua ph?°á»?ng An B?¬nh, TP Bi??n H??a), l?*m má»™t Thiá??u t?? CSGT tá»* vong.

Theo ?*t ká»? tr??n, v?*o l??c 19h15 tá??i trá??m thu ph?* cá?§u Ä?ồng Nai (km 1872, quốc lá»™ 1A, KP 10, ph?°á»?ng An B?¬nh), tổ phá??ng của Ph??ng CSGT Ä‘?°á»?ng bá»™ - Ä‘?°á»?ng sá??t (PC67) C?´ng an tỉnh Ä?ồng Nai khi Ä‘ang l?*m nhiệm vá»?, Ä‘?? ra hiệu lệnh dừng xe ?´ t?´ tá??i BKS 60C- 107.62 (ch?°a x??c định t?*nh danh ng?°á»?i Ä‘iá»?u khiá»?n), l?°u th?´ng theo h?°á»›ng Ng?? t?° V?©ng T?*u Ä‘i TP.HCM.

Tuy nhi??n, t?*i xá?? chiá??c xe ká»? tr??n kh?´ng chá??p h?*nh hiệu lệnh, tiá??p tá»?c cho xe l?°u th?´ng. Khi chiá??c xe Ä‘á??n khu vá»±c tr?°á»›c ca bin g??c chá??n trá??m thu ph?* giao th?´ng cá?§u Ä?ồng Nai, Thiá??u t?? L?? Quang Minh (SN 1976, c??n bá»™ lá?? kiá»?m so??t PC67 Ä?ồng Nai) Ä‘?? Ä‘uổi theo Ä‘á»? nghị l??i xe dừng xe nh?°ng vá?«n chá??y vá?*n chuyá»?n h?*ng ho?? Ä‘i Ä?ồng Nai.

Sau khi tranh luá?*n vá»›i Thiá??u t?? Minh, l??i xe kh?´ng chá??p h?*nh, l??n xe chá??y tiá??p. L??c n?*y, Thiá??u t?? Minh b??m v?*o g?°??ng chiá??u há?*u b??n tr??i chiá??c xe v?* y??u cá?§u t?*i xá?? dừng lá??i. Tuy nhi??n, Thiá??u t?? Minh bị tr?°á»?t ng?? v?* bị b??nh xe sau b??n tr??i của chiá??c xe c??n qua ng?°á»?i. Vá»? việc khiá??n Thiá??u t?? Minh tá»* vong tá??i chá»—.

Sau khi g??y tai ná??n, ng?°á»?i Ä‘iá»?u khiá»?n xe tá??i 60C – 107.62 Ä‘?? bá»? trốn khá»?i hiện tr?°á»?ng.

Hiện c?? quan chức nÄ?ng Ä‘ang tiá??p chuyện Ä‘iá»?u tra, l?*m r?µ vá»? tai ná??n.

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Old 04-18-2017, 09:59 AM
new2017 new2017 is offline
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Re: Viewing and recording RTMP in VLC player

Ok been a couple of days and no-one has said anything. Not sure why it's so quiet but that's all the data I have and I need to view his stream.

From what i've seen this seems like the right place so any help appreciated.
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