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Old 01-27-2010, 07:40 AM
Stream Recorder
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Video Game Recorder Software (PC) for recording DirectX and OpenGL games

Try Vixy Freecorder first. This free recording toolkit lets you download and screen video capture from most any site in decent quality.

For higher quality captures, get Replay Video Capture. This has the best recording quality of any commercial product, and depending upon your CPU speed, you can get up to 50 frames per second, saving as a high quality MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 file.

These programs are for Windows.

Last edited by Admin : 01-29-2014 at 03:47 AM. Reason: out of date
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Old 01-27-2010, 07:54 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Video Game Recorder Software (PC) for recording DirectX and OpenGL games

  • WeGame is a media sharing platform for video gamers. The WeGame client allows gamers to capture and publish their gameplay experiences straight from their video game to the web. WeGame can capture videos from screen and take screenshots of your games. Just start the client software, run your game and hit Record.

    Supported games (See the web-site for update list):
    ArmA 2, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Battlefield Heroes, Cabal Online, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Command & Conquer 3, Counter-Strike 1.6, Dark Messiah Might and Magic, Dead Space, Dragon Age: Origins, EVE Online, Fallout 3, FEAR 2, Flatout, Grand Theft Auto 4, Gun, Half-Life 2 Mods, Hellgate London, Jedi Knight III, Left 4 Dead, Mabinogi, MH Frontier, Misc Gaming, Natural Selection, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, Portal, Quake, Red Alert 3, Runes of Magic, Second Life, Sins of a Solar Empire, Star Trek Online, Supreme Commander, Sword of the New World, The Path, Titan Quest, Trackmania Nations, Unreal Tournament 3, Warhammer Online, Zeno Clash, Aion Online, Asda Story, Battlefield 2, BioShock, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty: World at War, Company of Heroes, Counter-Strike: Source, Dawn of War, Defense Grid, Dungeon Runners, Everquest 2, Far Cry 2, FIFA 2008, Flatout 2, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Half-Life, Half-Life Mods, Heroes of Newerth, Killing Floor, Left 4 Dead 2, Mass Effect, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Mount & Blade, Need for Speed, Painkiller, Postal 2, Quake II, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Ryzom, Section 8, Spore, StarCraft, SW Galaxies, Team Fortress 2, The Ship, Tomb Raider, Undefined Fantastic Object, War Rock, Wolfenstein: ET, America's Army, Audiosurf, Battlefield 2142, Borderlands, Call of Duty 4, CoH Series, Conquer Online, Crysis, Day of Defeat: Source, Deus Ex 2, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Fable, FEAR, Final Fantasy XI, Garry's Mod, Guild Wars, Half-Life 2, Halo, Jedi Knight II, League of Legends: Clash of Fates, Lugaru, Metin 2, Mirror's Edge, Mountain of Faith, Oblivion, Perfect World, Psychonauts, Race Driver: GRID, Rohan Online, Saints Row 2, Silkroad Online, STALKER, Street Fighter IV, SWAT 4, The Lord of the Rings Online, The Witcher, Torchlight, Unreal Tournament 2004, Warcraft 3, World of Warcraft

    System Requirements for WeGame:
    • Windows XP (32-bit) (Recommended) or Windows Vista (32-bit)
    • Internet connection

    Minimum Hardware Requirements for WeGame:
    • 1GB RAM,
    • 15 MB hard drive space for installation,
    • 2GB free space for recorded videos

    Recommended Hardware Requirements for WeGame
    • AMD or Intel Dual Core CPU
    • 2 GB RAM
    • 15 MB hard drive space for installation
    • 5 GB free space for recorded videos

  • TAKSI (Windows) - free open source video capture/screen capture software. It allows to take screenshots and record video clips of your favourite games and other 3D-graphics applications. Supports DirectX 8, DirectX 9, OpenGL and GDI based applications.

    TAKSI can't record audio, supports Win95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP only.
    Besides the latest stable release was on June.22, 2006
  • X-Fire a free tool that automatically keeps track of when and where gamers are playing PC games online and lets their friends join them easily. It works regardless of game type, server browser, or gaming service that a player is using. Xfire eliminates the hassles of running multiple programs like IRC, instant messengers, or in-game friends lists to keep track of when and where a gamer's friends are playing. It supports the best and the latest online PC games including server and non-server-based First Person Shooters, Real Time Strategy, and Role Playing Games.

    XFire allows to record videos with your gameplays. Main features of XFire video recorder:
    • Full Screen mode lets you see every detail in your game - even chat!
    • Easy to record. Press Scroll Lock + V. That's it, you are making a movie!
    • Upload your recording directly to the Xfire website for millions of gamers to see.
    • Video Support for 1341 Games

    Note that currently Xfire Video Capture does not support 16-bit or DDraw rendered games. Some examples of this would be Starcraft or older Need for Speed games. This can also occur if you are using VLC media player. VLC does not currently support the Xfire video codec.

    XFire is compatible with Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2000

Source: Fraps alternatives: Freeware and Shareware video game recording software for capturing OpenGL and DirectX games on your Windows PC.
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Old 01-05-2011, 04:54 PM
Milardo Milardo is offline
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Re: Video Game Recorder Software (PC) for recording DirectX and OpenGL games

Gregion - freeware direct 3d/open gl screen recorder. It is mainly used for recording games.

You can make a video file (AVI, WMV, RM, MOV) from 3D games by Gregion.

Gregion features:
  1. Make Movie file from 3D Games. (AVI, WMV, RM(RMVB), MOV)
  2. Apply Codec (DivX, XviD, ...) to the video stream in real time.
  3. Make an optimal AVI file by Gregion Converter after Lossless capture.
  4. Can include a Mouse Cursor and User Logo and Date Time in the video stream.
  5. Can include a User Informations in the video file.
  6. Can reduce the video for capture.
  7. Can reserve a time limit for capture.
  8. Take a screenshot from 3D Games. (BMP, JPG, PNG)
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Old 02-28-2012, 06:24 AM
y_richard y_richard is offline
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Re: Video Game Recorder Software (PC) for recording DirectX and OpenGL games

D3DGear - A very fast ingame video game recording software for PC, it captures gameplay in HD movie without slowing down video game. D3DGears video game recording performance and quality is superior among other video game recording software.

With D3DGear, user also can measure video game frame rate (FPS), capture game screenshot, and stream video game to remote PC.

To use D3DGear, simply launch D3DGear prior to start 3D game, the frame rate of 3D game will be automatically measured and displayed on screen; recording movie and capturing screenshot is as simple as pressing a hotkey.

D3DGear supports DirectX8, DirectX9, DirectX10, DirectX11, and OpenGL API. D3DGear runs on 32 and 64 bit of Windows XP, VISTA and Windows 7.

The below are details of features that D3DGear provides:

Measure game framerate
Automatically measure game framerate (FPS); display framerate on screen.
User can press hotkey to switch framerate ON or OFF.
User can customize framerate position, framerate font size and framerate font color.
User can customize framerate measuring interval.
Measure framerate of each game independently, simultaneously.

Capture game screenshot
Capture game screenshot by pressing hotkey.
Support image format of BMP, JPG, TGA, PNG, PPM or HDR.
Continually capture multiple screenshots until hotkey is released.
Add framerate in screenshot.
Add timestamp in screenshot.

Record game to movie
Record game to movie with option to include game audio in movie.
Supports WMV file format and AVI file format.
Use advanced 3D technology to minimize performance impact on game performance while recording game to movie.
Use advanced multicore compression codec to reduce movie size and enhance playback performance.
Customizable movie resolution, movie framerate, audio input source and audio volume.
Automatically split big movie file into multiple small files with 2G bytes for each file.
Automatically detect disk space. Automatically warn user and stop movie recording if a low disk space condition is detected.
Include framerate in movie
Include timestamp in movie.

Stream game video
Stream game live video to remote PC with option to include game audio in stream.
Use advanced 3D technology to minimize performance impact on game performance while stream game video.
Customizable video resolution, video framerate, audio input source.
Customizable TCP connection port.
Customizable maximum number of streams that allowed.
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Old 03-28-2013, 05:52 AM
lisakheav lisakheav is offline
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Re: Video Game Recorder Software (PC) for recording DirectX and OpenGL games

Many of the links are dead. Whoever updates a similar list should have done it here as well.
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