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Old 12-26-2010, 08:26 PM
Milardo Milardo is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 47
Milardo is on a distinguished road

Video Enhancer-Virtualdub like program to enhance quality of videos when upsizing!

I am posting this topic to share an interesting shareware program I found that specifically increases video quality when upsizing video. Here is the link.

Download link(30 day trial)

Basically the highlight of this program is that it uses a feature called Super Resolution method which when increasing resolution/size of a video it can bring out more details/increase quality than one would normally get with a normal resizing
program. Here is the link for the super resolution method/how it works.

By the way, super resolution method is not really for removing pixellation from videos.

This program is unique in that it can also use most or all virtualdub filters to help enhance the quality of your video. It can take by default many types of video files like the ones windows media player 12 takes as default. It is faster than VirtualDub to because it can take advantage of multicore processors.

Here is an article published by the company (who made Video Enhancer) that compares several different programs and there own and what happened when the programs were used to upsize to videos. It includes some sample videos to test and see for yourself how VideoEnhancer rates against other competitors.

Also nice is that the super resolution part of VideoEnhancer is now available as a virtualdub plugin (Trial-watermark)

I've tested the speed the program and I did notice that Video Enhancer is somewhat faster than Virtualdub when I compared them.

Features that are nice:

Batch converting, a wizard for helping to use the program, simple/advanced modes, fast, and allows for use of virtualdub plugins.

Just thought I'd share this program for anybody who's interested in video quality.

Also, check out there freeware virtualdub plugin pack, compatible with VirtualDub and Video Enhancer programs.

Thanks for reading, feel free to post with any questions about the program, I will try to answer the best I can.
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