Hi guys, i was restreaming video through the ffmpeg from stream site. Everything was good until now.
I can get stream link easly (even idm catch it) but when im trying to put it in ffmpeg, i get error
rtmp server sent error
rtmp server requested close
For example this stream:
(It needs sigma player plugin to work - it's free software)
i see it work like a token, but well.. the key is changing after few minutes not after every stream connect..
just take a look. I've got this link from the channel above
rtmp://l121.polwizjer.com/live2//2012tvtvp2?key=SFbctmb31JV9p1I7m3fFQwNIc+OSavr0Dcl gEJkK85KlYuM1iupjmveoMYIUa5lw6km5lXjAt0jVVRa+L0C5u TXR/jXWiEFN
and it's not work
few day ago i've got this one:
rtmp://l121.polwizjer.com/live2//2012tvtvp2?key=SFbctmb31JV9p1I7m3fFQwNIc+OSavr0Dcl gEJkK85KlYuM1iupjmveoMYIUa5lw6km5lXjAt0jVVRa+L0C5u TXS+jvVjEhC
and it was working great until this day.
And by the way, when idm catch the link, i can start download it and it download the stream with no problem, in addition when i stop downloading and start again it still working and start downloading again with no problem.