Originally Posted by asrl
I have bought an dictionary from Mobireader, but came to know that it cannot be used in my iphone 4. Can some body helps me how to use this dictionary in .prc format in iphone also i am not sure that it has a DRM attached or not. I have downloaded kindle in my iphone but it is not opening the file
Thanks in advance
You need to remove the DRM, and then use the apps/files feature of iTunes to copy the de-drmed copy into the Kindle for iPhone files.
To remove the DRM you'll need the PID of the device it's linked to. I assume you meant Mobipocket, not Mobireader?
If you didn't enter a PID at Mobipocket web site, presumably you've got Mobipocket Reader installed. You need the PID of that installation, and the copy of the dictionary that Mobipocket Reader has created and stored in its own books folder, not the copy you downloaded.