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Old 05-01-2011, 11:31 PM
gxdata gxdata is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Originally Posted by mce View Post
I've done more digging with iVNL problems and for some reason the VBSript side of IE9 is not working the same as IE8.

Javascript seems to pass all tests.

For IE8 = Version 5.8.7600.16546 (Works)

For IE9 = Version 5.8.7601.16978 (Don't Work)

How do these compare to others out there???

I may have to convert the VBScript over to Javascript.
Where do we see these version numbers? Tools > Manage Add-ons?

ok, now that we're clear, my vbscript.dll is the same versin as mce's (I have IE9 installed and working; running IE9 as 32-bit always; Windows 7 Ultimate, 64 bit)

Last edited by gxdata : 05-02-2011 at 12:48 AM.
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Old 05-02-2011, 04:21 AM
gxdata gxdata is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Off-Topic (codecs problem), but I'm getting desparate.

I have no problem with VLC, Windows Media Player playing MP4 and FLV (and other video formats I commonly look at), but Windows Media Center for Windows 7 just will not play either of these two formats.

I can drop a WMV file into the library folder in WMC that contains FLV and one MP4, and that is the only file that I can view - otherwise I get the unhelpful message "Cannot Play Video" in the Windows Media Center.

I've searched this sites forums, searched a few specialist WMC sites, and searched the web more widely - nix.
Also tried Win7Codecs (Shark007) with a range of settings - again no joy.

Can someone point me to a solution or site that can walk me through this?
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Old 05-02-2011, 08:19 AM
spaceghost spaceghost is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Originally Posted by gxdata View Post
Off-Topic (codecs problem), but I'm getting desparate.

...Also tried Win7Codecs (Shark007) with a range of settings - again no joy.
Maybe these threads will lead you in turn to a solution...

Seven Forums: _

Australian Media Center forums: _

Shark007 forums: _

May work for Win7: _
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Old 05-02-2011, 12:42 PM
blood.eaglz blood.eaglz is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Originally Posted by gxdata View Post
Off-Topic (codecs problem), but I'm getting desparate.
I've searched this sites forums, searched a few specialist WMC sites, and searched the web more widely - nix.
Also tried Win7Codecs (Shark007) with a range of settings - again no joy.

Can someone point me to a solution or site that can walk me through this?
I don't know if there is a great deal of difference between WMC for Vista and WMC for Win7, but I can say that iView Remuxed MP4s work for me using Vista WMC.

I currently have DivX codec set to decode the AVC (H264) video streams and am using K-lite codec pack set to libavcodec to decode the AAC audio (this is a global set up so all players using external codecs use this combination for these types of streams)

you could try that combination, also you could try this it's the codec tweak tool that is included in K-lite, it can be used stand alone with the current codecs installed, and will allow you to set the default codecs used. I had to use it (from within k-lite install) to override a nokia codec which was forcing itself over the DivX codecs, and stuffing up the videos.
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Old 05-02-2011, 07:57 PM
gxdata gxdata is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

thanks blood.eaglz, spaceghost - i'll try some of those things. I'm very ignorant when it comes to configuring codecs.

I (thought I had) tried everything I saw on the Shark007 discussions, yesterday.

Some posts I have seen (somewhere) say that WMC "just works" for FLV, MP4 in the USA with some add-in that is Microsoft-supplied. A couple of Aussies were a bit p1ssed off about that.

I got it going – more 4rse than class:
  • Used Shark007 Win7Codecs. When I uninstalled the prior version, I apparently didn’t even have the 64-bit ("x64 Components”) installed.
  • Anyway, I then installed the 32-bit (v2.8.5), then the 64-bit (v2.8.8) versions of Win7Codecs (such a messy website, so difficult to understand what is necessary).
  • Ran the Shark007 Setup Tool as Admin. Used the SUGGESTED settings. (also, an ugly and un-intuitive utility)
  • Located a FLV file (just using Windows Explorer, any one). Right-click, Open With – chose the Windows 7 Media Center, and it played OK.
  • Went into the WMC in the normal way – found that my previously-unplayable videos in the Pictures & Videos Library were showing up as thumbnails and now play OK.
  • I have 2 Windows Media Players (32, 64-bit) available now. My VLC Media Player is still the default for MP4 videos.

Prior to that sequence, I used the K-Lite tool to clean up missing codecs in my registry, but didn't do much more.

So I'm happy enough, but not really much wiser.

Last edited by gxdata : 05-03-2011 at 12:11 AM. Reason: Success
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Old 05-03-2011, 08:30 PM
gxdata gxdata is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Off-Topic again
iView and Plus!7 occasionally have the same shows, and comparing FLV and MP4 for size and with MediaInfo reveals that FLV is 3 times the size of the iView MP4, but they are both 640x360 resolution.
Why is that?
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Old 05-04-2011, 01:13 AM
blood.eaglz blood.eaglz is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Originally Posted by gxdata View Post
Off-Topic again
iView and Plus!7 occasionally have the same shows, and comparing FLV and MP4 for size and with MediaInfo reveals that FLV is 3 times the size of the iView MP4, but they are both 640x360 resolution.
Why is that?
simply their method of encoding.

Plus7 uses a more basic form of H264 encoding, that requires a higher bitrate to deliver the quality you see (though no where near as high as VP6 would have to go), while abc uses a more complex method which allows them to pack as high a quality with a much lower bitrate which while resulting in a smaller file requires more processing power to both encode on their end and a bit more vs Plus 7 to decode on our end, at least this is how I understand it. (look up CABAC, this is the main difference).
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Old 05-04-2011, 06:25 AM
gxdata gxdata is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Originally Posted by blood.eaglz View Post
simply their method of encoding.

Plus7 uses a more basic form of H264 encoding, that requires a higher bitrate to deliver the quality you see (though no where near as high as VP6 would have to go), while abc uses a more complex method which allows them to pack as high a quality with a much lower bitrate which while resulting in a smaller file requires more processing power to both encode on their end and a bit more vs Plus 7 to decode on our end, at least this is how I understand it. (look up CABAC, this is the main difference).
You're a mine of information - thanks for that. I'll read up on the CABAC encoding (started with Wikipedia).
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Old 05-06-2011, 04:40 AM
orpheus orpheus is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Originally Posted by gxdata View Post
iView was troublesome yesterday - could not download anything, using iVN / BDL - so try again, today.
Tried again today.

Not working again. Same message.

Any other suggestions?
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Old 05-06-2011, 04:55 AM
orpheus orpheus is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Replaced hard drive and operating system recently. Maybe the script I entered into terminal when I first downloaded the add on needs to be re-entered. But I can't remember what it was.

Can someone remind me.
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