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Old 05-11-2015, 08:23 AM
spin35 spin35 is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

My Chrome browser Version 42.0.2311.135m on my machine reckons that Iviewer V0.2 is "Malicious" even though Trend AV says its OK. Anyone else getting this?
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Old 05-11-2015, 08:40 PM
lameboyadvance lameboyadvance is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Originally Posted by spin35 View Post
My Chrome browser Version 42.0.2311.135m on my machine reckons that Iviewer V0.2 is "Malicious" even though Trend AV says its OK. Anyone else getting this?
Link works fine on my version of Chrome (41.something).
Is it saying the zip file is mailicous, or that is? If its the latter its probably because its a not-so-well-known file upload site, and someone has probably uploaded something malicious there in the past, and Google's bot has happened to scan that file and is now saying the entire site is malicious.
The zip file is just the iViewer exe and the VB5 runtime dll inside a zip file created by 7zip.
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Old 05-15-2015, 04:11 AM
BNW BNW is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

In my case my AV blocked the d/l (the file, not the site), so I retrieved it at work and transferred it on a stick .. and oddly enuf my AV was happy with it on the stick.
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Old 05-15-2015, 05:15 PM
spin35 spin35 is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Originally Posted by lameboyadvance View Post
Link works fine on my version of Chrome (41.something).
Is it saying the zip file is mailicous, or that is? If its the latter its probably because its a not-so-well-known file upload site, and someone has probably uploaded something malicious there in the past, and Google's bot has happened to scan that file and is now saying the entire site is malicious.
The zip file is just the iViewer exe and the VB5 runtime dll inside a zip file created by 7zip.
Thanks, I've pulled it down with IE (must be good for something ) then the AV gave it a thumbs up. I guess it was the site that Chrome was getting nervous about.
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Old 05-17-2015, 05:34 PM
PaleWing PaleWing is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

hey guys ^_^ Thanks for all your continued work on these programs!

I just got Iviewer & it d/l ok, but when i try to use it, it's not working.
I click the 'DL XML file from web' button and it say's it's downloading, but then says 'download incomplete, retrying'
It does this for a while, but i click x to close it & it says it's not responding.
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Old 05-17-2015, 10:01 PM
M3M1E M3M1E is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

SBSRipper first available BETA is ready:

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Old 05-18-2015, 03:59 AM
PaleWing PaleWing is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

I just downloaded the latest 32bit IviewRipper & it also seems to have the same problem Iviewer has - It says it's loading the iview database, but nothing happens in 10+ minutes (i left it over night & it still hadn't done anything)

What's wrong? I could access the database in firefox ok (though one time it came up with some error, retrying it a few minutes later fixed it)
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Old 05-18-2015, 04:00 AM
lameboyadvance lameboyadvance is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Originally Posted by PaleWing View Post
I click the 'DL XML file from web' button and it say's it's downloading, but then says 'download incomplete, retrying'
It does this for a while, but i click x to close it & it says it's not responding.
The code I use to download data means iViewer is basically at the mercy of the sender. I did add cancel buttons, but since iViewer pretty much hangs while it is waiting for a reply means you have to sit there with your mouse pressed on the cancel (or close) buttons until such time as it finally receives data and can actually do things like registering mouse clicks.

I have found that iView does have 'laggy periods'. During these times data seems to download sporadically in 8kb chunks or so, if at all.

I have found the best time to try grabbing the XML file is late night (around midnight/early morning, in my timezone anyway [EST]). There may be other times, but this is the one when I am usually awake at my computer so I haven't tried others. 'Peak times' (after school, primetime etc) seem to be a bad time to try downloading.
In v0.2 I added the option of saving a local copy of the XML file once you have managed to download a copy. Once you have a local copy of the XML file saved you can click the 'X' button to clear the file textbox, then the 'download xml' button should change to a 'open xml' button. Click it and select the copy you downloaded/saved earlier to load the local copy.
...One thing I have realised, since iViewer saves the contents of the file textbox if you load a local file it will show up next time you open iViewer. To get the XML file URL back you either need to close iViewer with the file texbox blank then reopen it, or copy into the texbox again.

Once the XML file is downloaded/loaded from hdd, I have found disabling images will make browsing the video list quite fast, as it doesn't need to get any other data from the web until you decide to actually download a video.
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Old 05-19-2015, 02:24 AM
gxdata gxdata is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Originally Posted by PaleWing View Post
I just downloaded the latest 32bit IviewRipper & it also seems to have the same problem Iviewer has - It says it's loading the iview database, but nothing happens in 10+ minutes (i left it over night & it still hadn't done anything)

What's wrong? I could access the database in firefox ok (though one time it came up with some error, retrying it a few minutes later fixed it)
With iViewRipper, could it be that you haven't installed Microsoft's .NET Framework v4.51? It is a requirement (prerequisite).
- though I would have thought just running the .EXE w/o .NET 4.51 would give an error, and quit.

M3M1E would be able to advise us. Perhaps with the new version of 'Ripper, which installs under Windows (rather than just copy/unpack), a check for the .NET Framework would be helpful to some new users?

Incidentally, I would highly recommend the free, small utility from ASoft, that allows you to determine what Microosft .NET versions are installed on your Windows computer.
Since .NET is as ubiquitous as Java, it is useful to know that information.

Note that I am using the 64-bit version, so I'm not really testing in the environment you're using.
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Old 05-21-2015, 02:38 AM
gxdata gxdata is offline
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Re: How to use iView (ABC Australia) downloaders

Recommendation for an easy-to-use Youtube downloader (free)? Preferably standalone (not a browser add-in).
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