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Old 08-04-2007, 02:05 PM
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Tunebite. Is it worth it? What about FU4WM, Soundtaxi and others.

i just recently got a Napster account. i used to have one over a year ago, and used Tunebite. i never paid for it and used the full version. i can't remember if i torrented it or what, it was awhile ago. my question today is: is tunebite worth the $25? personally, it seems like a good idea, but i'm trying to find a program for free to do the same thing. i have vista 32 bit home premium. most of the free progs i've tried do not work. Soundtaxi just errored on every song. FairUse4WM seems like a lot of work, that i'm not sure i can pull off. can someone please suggest something for me, my trial on napster is about to be up and i have to decide if i want to keep it real quick. thank you for any responses and sorry if i sound like a newb, but i'm getting desperate here.
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Old 08-04-2007, 11:10 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Tunebite. Is it worth it? What about FU4WM, Soundtaxi and others.

I prefer FairUse4WM 'coz it is free and does lossless DRM stripping.

FairUse4WM 1.3 fix 2 works on Windows Vista. Unlike lossy DRM removal software it requires many things to learn. And you may need to spend some time to adjust your OS to the requitements it has.

I don't really see much difference between Tunebite, Soundtaxi, MuvAudio, freeTunes and some other recenltly emerged DRM removal programs. I may prefer Soundtaxi and Tunebite to others 'coz they appeared earlier and their teams have enough of experience in the field.

Tunebite is a good choice if it works for you. It has a good support team. As you can see in its support forum it is not an ideal program. But the developers try to adjust it to the newer versions of Windows Media Player. You have used it and you know how good the program is.
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Old 08-05-2007, 09:46 PM
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Re: Tunebite. Is it worth it? What about FU4WM, Soundtaxi and others.

so, from what i've seen, i have to get virtual pc and windows xp to use fairuse4wm. i don't have an xp disc. it burnt when my house did. so, as far as i can tell, my only option is to drop $25 on tunebite. what are you referring to "As you can see in its support forum it is not an ideal program." like i said, i used it over a year ago, so, i'm not up to date on it's current state. thank you for you post.
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Old 08-07-2007, 05:01 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Tunebite. Is it worth it? What about FU4WM, Soundtaxi and others.

I don't think the quality of Tunebite has changed. It may not work with the latest versions of WMP 'coz Microsoft is always one step ahead.
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Old 08-13-2007, 01:01 AM
mctracy mctracy is offline
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Re: Tunebite. Is it worth it? What about FU4WM, Soundtaxi and others.

has anybody used Note Burner
and it is a newly developed program it used virtual CD to burn.
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