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Old 01-04-2012, 06:43 AM
Belmont Belmont is offline
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Tunebite taking up too much system memory

Hi everyone here. I just tried Tunebite. It is a good appl in all aspects to remove drm but it takes up too much system memory. I have a dual core CPU and 2G system memory. But during the conversion, Tunebite takes up all the system memory and in some parts of the converted movie, the audio and video is not synchronized.
i.e.: the audio continues but the image freezes. The frame rate of the video definitely drops in some parts of the converted movie. I assume the reason is that Tunebite takes up too much resource especially the system memory during conversion.
Do you have the same problem with Tunebite? How do you solve the problem? Can you give me any advice? Thanks!
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Old 01-04-2012, 10:44 PM
Belmont Belmont is offline
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Re: Tunebite taking up too much system memory

Just found the reason: tunebite is in conflict with ati2evxx.exe. It is ati2evxx.exe that takes up too much memory. I've disable ati2evxx.exe and everything works fine now.

But another problem rised: I can't use higher versions of Tunebite (i.e.:7.2 or 8.0, haven't tried 6.0 yet, my current version is 5.X). When I tried to use higher verisons the appl kept on telling me to update the HSD (High-Speed Dubbing) component and reboot my system. I followed the instruction but when I ran it again it still asked me to perform the update. Anyway to solve this problem? I've googled the problem it seems that a lot of people are having the same issue.

Higher versions do provide more options for conversion that's why I want to try them.

Much appreciated if anyone can offer a solution here. Thanks!
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