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Old 06-17-2009, 03:10 PM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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Trying to watch from inside account (

Ok first off, thanks a lot for all the helpful information on the site. I've looked through everything and found it all extremely useful and such. I've downloaded and fiddled around with a bunch of software but can't seem to figure out what to do here so here goes with the xplanation:

I have access to a webcams account on (Don't want to pay, sorry and I Just happen to know the password and user info). When I go into the account and view the fan club page, there is a section there to see the videos they've uploaded to their fan club, the page has a column to the left which allows to check or uncheck a box, followed to the right by a picture or screencap from the video, a very long video title, and then the upload/view information. Inside each of the screencaps there appears to be a black moon of some sort that is embedded into the screencap from the website, a couple of them however do not have it.

The problem is that to access these videos I believe you must be a member of the fan club, which you pay monthly for. I figured that you should be able to log into that account instead and manipulate or watch, delete, generally do whatever you wished with the videos that were there, apparently this is not the case. I can not do anything with the videos, instead I can't do anything at all. No types of grabbers work for the videos at all, Orbit Downloader, Replay Media Catcher, and a lot of the other ones on this website don't seem to find anything. I have also tried with IE and Firefox and they both are the exact same.

So, long story short, how do you exactly download or watch the videos a person may have uploaded if you are accessing the account yourself? There is no sort of player, no javascript, nothing, it's just a screencap and there are no menu options, links, or anything indicating where to go, etc.

Thanks in advance for the help
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Old 06-18-2009, 01:28 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Trying to watch from inside account (

If you can play it, you can record it... at least with screen video capture software.
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Old 10-26-2009, 10:56 PM
anonguy30 anonguy30 is offline
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Re: Trying to watch from inside account (

Ok, I want to look from inside a models account as well. How do I get their username and password. I assume the username is their model name but how do I get the password. My girlfriend works there and I need to check her out a little.

Thank you
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