Sorry if this is yet another thread but I'm completely new to ripping rtmp streams. I've spent half a day reading up on stuff but cannot figure out how to get 1500kbps video from the bbc site:
RTMPexplorer and RTMPdumphelper are both successful at grabbing video from the website, but only at 480kbps. AFAIK the only way for me to view 1500kbps video is to fullscreen the video, which does cause the stream to switch to higher quality, but this switch interrupts rtmpsuck/rtmpdump and the downloaded video breaks at the switch.
I pulled (I say pulled, more like copied the text from rtmpdump) the details of the stream, and I think the rtmp link is:
rtmp://cp41752.edgefcs.net:1935/ondemand?auth=daEcEbuahbnaabIamaGdxazcrbpbkdRb8z-bp6oC2-bWG-BolDHoznFCrEpwE&aifp=v001&slist=secure/480kbps/MP/e5bb78761aa06e5a831629ccf4581478_2c97c59437_H264_M C81_BBC_480_1_1_1340617477554_flv_avc1_low.mp4;sec ure/800kbps/MP/e5bb78761aa06e5a831629ccf4581478_2c97c59437_H264_M C81_BBC_800_1_1_1340617512237_flv_avc1_med.mp4;sec ure/1500kbps/MP/e5bb78761aa06e5a831629ccf4581478_2c97c59437_H264_M C81_BBC_1500_1_1_1340617512212_flv_avc1_high.mp4
Just to reiterate: 480kbps downloads normally but I'm after the 1500kbps stream. Anybody got any ideas?