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Old 08-08-2016, 06:02 PM
nwtim nwtim is offline
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Re: Trying to Download VoD from CBC Sports / CBC Olympics for Rio 2016

Originally Posted by ehurdler View Post
I am in the US, so I am not sure if this will be the same for you or not. I have, so if you have access to use that instead this will work 100%. The Canada vs. Australia game is there in full replay.

To capture the video you will need the HDS Link Detector installed in Firefox. Just search for how to do this, install it, configure if you don’t have it already. I don’t remember the process off the top of my head. Make sure you have the updated AdobeHDS.php, set and configured properly too. Again, search for this if you don’t have it already. I am using a Macintosh, not that it makes a difference but telling you my process.

With everything installed and configured, make sure the HDS Link detector add-on is enabled. Now navigate to the game in question. Once the game starts playing you will see the add-on show the banner showing the video fragment link it captures. With this link you can capture the video fragments for this full video, and also the audio fragments for the full audio. The fragments will have to be merged together as well as the video and the audio into one full video. Those processes are rather quick and seamless.

So once the add-on gives you a link, you can modify the link and download the fragments you need and merge them together.

This is an example of the code you will need for this


php AdobeHDS.php --quality 7000 --manifest "" --delete


php AdobeHDS.php --quality 56 --manifest "" --delete


ffmpeg -i video.flv -i audio.flv -c copy joined.mp4
Example, Given this link from the add-on:
php AdobeHDS.php --manifest ",filtername=vodcut).f4m?token=st=1470317712~exp=1470317832~acl=/vod/690c26d3-280d-4d17-9d86-4ef9e406480f/nbc-olympics0803094426.ism/*~hmac=ee008b15c134623c079477ea82ebbc6bd9ef5a56e3b75d0c134162d2f37f8a30" --delete
With that link, if you take the url between the “”’s and place it within the code strings I posted above it will start capturing the video fragments, then the audio fragments in Terminal (for me since I am using a Macintosh) or a cmd prompt if you are using Windows. The link above will expire in a minute or so. So I always capture the video fragments first. This will download all the video fragments, then it will put them all together with no user interaction into a .flv file. Then I reload the soccer match in the browser to capture a new link in the add-on and paste that within the code string Above. This will as well capture all the audio fragments and put them together. All you will have to do is the last line of code I gave you to Join them with ffmpeg. Will create a video with audio into an .mp4. That will give you the highest video and audio quality possible through the nbcolympics website. You can change the video quality if you would like, but you’ll have to run the -debug script on the add-on link that is captured:

php AdobeHDS.php --manifest ",filtername=vodcut).f4m?token=st=1470317712~exp=1470317832~acl=/vod/690c26d3-280d-4d17-9d86-4ef9e406480f/nbc-olympics0803094426.ism/*~hmac=ee008b15c134623c079477ea82ebbc6bd9ef5a56e3b75d0c134162d2f37f8a30" -debug
That will give you a whole bunch of info that will just keep scrolling. So let it run and you are looking for the info at the top. So after a few seconds stop the debug script. You want to capture Fragments, not Keyframes.

Bitrate URL
 7001    QualityLevels(7000000)/Keyframes(video,format=f4m-f4f)
 7000    QualityLevels(7000000)/Fragments(video,format=f4m-f4f)
 4001    QualityLevels(4000000)/Keyframes(video,format=f4m-f4f)
 4000    QualityLevels(4000000)/Fragments(video,format=f4m-f4f)
 2201    QualityLevels(2200000)/Keyframes(video,format=f4m-f4f)
 2200    QualityLevels(2200000)/Fragments(video,format=f4m-f4f)
 1401    QualityLevels(1400000)/Keyframes(video,format=f4m-f4f)
 1400    QualityLevels(1400000)/Fragments(video,format=f4m-f4f)
 901     QualityLevels(900000)/Keyframes(video,format=f4m-f4f)
 900     QualityLevels(900000)/Fragments(video,format=f4m-f4f)
 601     QualityLevels(600000)/Keyframes(video,format=f4m-f4f)
 600     QualityLevels(600000)/Fragments(video,format=f4m-f4f)
 301     QualityLevels(300000)/Keyframes(video,format=f4m-f4f)
 300     QualityLevels(300000)/Fragments(video,format=f4m-f4f)
 56      QualityLevels(56000)/Fragments(audio_en_0,format=f4m-f4f)
Sorry if this is long winded, I just wrote this out quickly with what I do, so if it is too much detail that is why. Any questions let me know. Good luck, maybe this will also work for the CBC site.
This is pretty much the method I used for downloading numerous events from the 2014 Winter Olympics (QualityLevels were different), but I'm having trouble this time around. I updated to the latest PHP version (VC14) and when I run the php script to grab the video I'm getting an error saying,

You have to install the following extension(s) to continue: 'curl'

Anyone know what curl extension is needed for this?

When I try the version of PHP I used for 2014, I consistently get,

KSV Adobe HDS Downloader
Processing manifest info....
Access Denied! Unable o download the manifest.

This happens no matter how quickly I do a copy-paste-save-and run of the HDS Link capture.

What version of PHP are you who are getting successful captures using?
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Old 08-08-2016, 07:45 PM
nwtim nwtim is offline
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Re: Trying to Download VoD from CBC Sports / CBC Olympics for Rio 2016

Originally Posted by nwtim View Post
This is pretty much the method I used for downloading numerous events from the 2014 Winter Olympics (QualityLevels were different), but I'm having trouble this time around. I updated to the latest PHP version (VC14) and when I run the php script to grab the video I'm getting an error saying,

You have to install the following extension(s) to continue: 'curl'

Anyone know what curl extension is needed for this?

When I try the version of PHP I used for 2014, I consistently get,

KSV Adobe HDS Downloader
Processing manifest info....
Access Denied! Unable o download the manifest.

This happens no matter how quickly I do a copy-paste-save-and run of the HDS Link capture.

What version of PHP are you who are getting successful captures using?
I reverted back to the previous version of PHP that I used in 2014. I believe it was unable to download the manifest because it wasn't recognizing the quality parameter I was setting. I tried --quality high instead of a bitrate and it was able to download, but all I got was the keyframes. I had run into this problem in the past, but I can't recall how I got around it.
Any tips?

Last edited by nwtim : 08-08-2016 at 11:21 PM.
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Old 08-08-2016, 11:23 PM
nwtim nwtim is offline
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Re: Trying to Download VoD from CBC Sports / CBC Olympics for Rio 2016

When I get a good manifest url I'm able to get the fragments joined on one of my computers, but on the other I seem to have an incorrect version of the AdobeHDS.php script. Anybody know where I can get different versions of the script to try?
Never mind on the above - I found one that's working now.

So far I'm having another issue and that is that I'm getting an imcomplete ffmpeg mux of the joined video fragments and the joined audio fragments. For example, on the Women's synchronized 3m springboard diving, I get an audio file that is 1h 35m in length and a video file that is 1h 34m in length and at the 1h 32m 23s mark it returns,

negative cts, previous timestamps might e wrong
[mp4 @ 048ef880] pts <5450497> < dts <5545907> in stream 0
av_interleaved_write_frame<>; Invalid argument

Anyone see something like this or have any thoughts? The resulting aborted muxed file does not play.

Last edited by nwtim : 08-09-2016 at 12:27 AM.
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Old 08-10-2016, 11:53 PM
why3e why3e is offline
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Re: Trying to Download VoD from CBC Sports / CBC Olympics for Rio 2016

Originally Posted by joyfuls View Post
Actually I solved it. Use livestreamer

credits to this reddit thread.

Now my question is does anyone know how to start the download from a certain timestamp?
I tried to download the following livestreamer

The manifest link is

there was nothing like (format=m3u8-aapl-v3,audioTrack=english)
and got an error
error: Unable to open URL: (403 Client Error: )

Any idea?
Thanks in advance!
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Old 08-11-2016, 05:19 PM
BusterAvis BusterAvis is offline
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Re: Trying to Download VoD from CBC Sports / CBC Olympics for Rio 2016

Alright, I finally got AdobeHDS.php to work properly with the NBC Olympics site for a test file I did of one of the Judo replays (which was close to 3 hours long). I'll try beach volleyball next. Thanks to ehurdler (2nd post in this thread) and everyone else on here for the explanation and diagnostics of this process throughout this entire thread. I got it to work for the video file, the audio file, and the FFMPEG function to merge the video/audio together. It helped that I had FFMPEG experience before.

I have two questions however:

1.) I use this code:

php AdobeHDS.php --quality 7000 --manifest "" --delete

With the word "delete" at the end, but the 7000 quality (1080p) version is saved as one file, which is good, but the bad thing is that all the 2,000 fragments are also still showing in my AdobeHDS folder as well. Isn't the --delete function in the code above supposed to delete the fragments once the full large (8 GB) file has completely been merged/downloaded from all the fragements? It's a pain to have to go back into the folder and scroll with the mouse to highlight all of them to delete them. I know that's picky, but I would love to eliminate having to do this, if possible. Thanks.

Also ....

2.) Can we use the same code function above to download two separate NBC Olympics programs at the same time (in two separate command prompt windows of course) ???

I would love to set up a batch in which I'm downloading multiple NBC Olympics files (even more than two) at the same time, while it's running in the other room, or overnight. Is that recommended? I know it would slow it down, but who cares if it's overnight and then I wake up in the morning and all of them are right there.

Please feel free to let me know your thoughts in what you recommend for both of these questions.

Thanks again.
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Old 08-12-2016, 03:17 AM
joyfuls joyfuls is offline
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Re: Trying to Download VoD from CBC Sports / CBC Olympics for Rio 2016

Originally Posted by why3e View Post
I tried to download the following livestreamer

The manifest link is

there was nothing like (format=m3u8-aapl-v3,audioTrack=english)
and got an error
error: Unable to open URL: (403 Client Error: )

Any idea?
Thanks in advance!
The link expires super fast, so you have to be quick. Try inserting (format=m3u8-aapl-v3,audioTrack=english) onto your URL.

Like this
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Old 08-13-2016, 03:51 AM
BusterAvis BusterAvis is offline
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Re: Trying to Download VoD from CBC Sports / CBC Olympics for Rio 2016

Is there anyway to get AdobeHDS.php to download the fragments any faster?
Any procedures at all?
I'm assuming it has a lot to do with the speed of our Internet, not to mention the processing speed of the PC, etc.

But there's gotta be a way.
Even if it just speeds it up by 20%.

Right now it appears I'm able to download 30 video fragments per minute.
That means if the video is 1,200 fragments, it is going to take 40 minutes.

Last edited by BusterAvis : 08-13-2016 at 03:53 AM. Reason: edit
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Old 08-16-2016, 11:32 AM
Mezar Mezar is offline
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Re: Trying to Download VoD from CBC Sports / CBC Olympics for Rio 2016

Originally Posted by BusterAvis View Post
I might be on to something.
I found something from a YouTube video:

When trying to grab the manifest code from this NBC Olympics link referenced above:

I downloaded Grab Any Media for AdobeHDS helper from that YouTube link.
I'm trying to record two streams from Rio Summer Olympics:

I'm, using Grab Any Media 5 with AdobeHDSHeleper and Hola vpn (I live in Europe).

Unfortunately I have Access Deined!

Can anybody help me?
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Old 08-16-2016, 01:59 PM
adele adele is offline
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Re: Trying to Download VoD from CBC Sports / CBC Olympics for Rio 2016

Hi, I I am trying to download beach volleyball and water polo matches from NBC. What programs are available for mac to record streams?
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Old 08-17-2016, 04:38 PM
JustPassing JustPassing is offline
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Re: Trying to Download VoD from CBC Sports / CBC Olympics for Rio 2016

Originally Posted by joyfuls View Post
Actually I solved it. Use livestreamer

credits to this reddit thread.

Now my question is does anyone know how to start the download from a certain timestamp?
Hi, can you help me out. I've followed the guide in that reddit post but I am getting an error. I'm getting
error: Unable to open URL: "URL" (403 Client Error Forbidden)

What did you do to get around this? I'd like to specify that I input the command code well under the 30 second time limit. Thanks!
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