I have just bought a drm book from B&N. It has downloaded ok to my Nook and also to my Android app. However I'm having no end of trouble trying to remove the drm.
First off I'm using Linux with Calibre and the python scripts (ignoblekeygen.pyw and ignobleepub.pyw). I've managed to generate a b64 key by inputting my name (as in B&N account) and CC#. However, every time I try ignobleepub.pyw I get this error:
Could not decrypt xxxx.epub because of an exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "ignobleepub.pyw", line 278, in decryptBook
decryptor = Decryptor(bookkey[-16:], encryption)
File "ignobleepub.pyw", line 209, in __init__
self._aes = AES(bookkey)
File "ignobleepub.pyw", line 158, in __init__
raise IGNOBLEError('AES improper key used')
IGNOBLEError: AES improper key used
I've searched every page I can find and watched many videos but I always get this result. I haven't tried Calibre plug-ins as I'm guessing they're similar to the python scripts. I even tried a new b64 keyfile by leaving out the space between my first and second names as in
this post and also by using my email address. Still no luck... same error.
Can anyone offer any help?