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Old 03-16-2007, 09:04 PM
Posts: n/a

Trouble with mms and newer media players

Up to Windows Media Player 9 we were okay using mms protocol for streaming, but the newest version 10 and 11 come with mms not enabled and telling 'tech free' people how to enable it isn't always working.

I read where Windows wants to push RTSP and not support MMS in the future! Well I don't have the money for RTSP or to line Bill Gates pockets.

Is anyone else running into this trouble? And are there any suggestions for this problem.... or I'm I going to have to bail on Windows altogether!

I went with Windows because the software (Windows Media Services) came free on my Windows 2003 server, and I have to have a cheep solution for the non-profits I host. And it has to be a standard solution that most average people can listen to without having to tweak their software.

P.S. I searched the forum first, but found no hits on mms or Windows protocols -
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