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Old 04-14-2010, 01:21 PM
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How to transfer MP3 files to Samsung Impression

I just bought a samsung impression and transferred music onto it from my computer with the usb cord. I plugged it in, selected mass storage, and copy/ pasted my music files. I disconnected the cord then tried to go through "music" under "my stuff" but the file was empty. I plugged my phone back in and selected mass storage again and all of the music I had just transferred popped up under the "my music" folder. They aren't itunes files so I don't think they have any kind of drm issue or anything, although they are in mp3 format which I'm not sure if that's compatible or not. Also, since the music is loaded onto a memory chip I wasn't sure if I need to somehow switch modes from phone to memory- not sure if you can even do that. So basically my music is there saved on the chip, I just can't access it or play it from my phone. I also tried selecting "media player" mode from the beginning options when I first plugged it in to see if they would at least play through my computer even if not on my phone, but no luck there either. Any help/ advice would be much appreciated.
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Old 04-14-2010, 01:23 PM
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Re: How to transfer MP3 files to Samsung Impression

There are several methods to transfer MP3 files to Samsung Impression, including
to format a memory card,
via a memory card,
via Bluetooth,
from another phone,
using PC Studio,
from a PC,
via a Bluetooth adaptor,
using Windows Media Player,
Using Mass Storage
and Downloaded through Shop Tones.

Each are explained, in depth, further on Samsung official webpage. Go to read the methods carefully.

Samsung Impresson provides the ability to playback MP3 files, assign them as a contact ringtone, alarm tone or as the incoming call ringtone.
The music player supports the following audio file types: MP3, MP4 / AAC, M4A, 3GP / AAC and WMA.
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