90210 Season 5 Episode 17 We’ve complained about this on the Podcast and it’s really clear in this episode –
Biggest Loser Season 14 Episode 11 there’s just too much going on in everyone’s lives for them to ever have any down time, any rest or
Bachelor Season 17 Episode 13 any non-angst. Take Aidan – he who is sad all the time – he already
Being Human Season 3 Episode 9 had a dwindling blood supply, a werewolf trying to kill him and Nora snarling at him. Then throw in the 2 bloodstained ghosts (and it’s not like vampire victims commonly come
Bachelor Season 17 Episode 13 back as ghosts or all vampires would behave themselves) and it’s just a step (and an angst) too far.
90210 Season 5 Episode 17 I’m not actually against Aidan getting some guilt for his murders, in fact one of my ongoing complaints
Biggest Loser Season 14 Episode 11 about Urban Fantasy is how no-one cares as disposable victims pile up everywhere. But if you’re going to have the guilty ghosts then something else in Aidan’s very
Bachelor Season 17 Episode 12 busy storyline has to give. And Nora isn’t the best vehicle for it either – it looks hypocritical when
Being Human Season 3 Episode 9 her claws aren’t clean and the fact she continually links it to Erin makes her look unreasonable and looking for a reason to hate Aidan more than her legitimately
Bachelor Season 17 Episode 12 being outraged by his death toll. Back at the house, Josh gets a call from Kat worried about Aidan disappearing with Liam – and Josh is far more than worried. (Should set the zombie on him)
90210 Season 5 Episode 17. He grabs a gun, some ammo and sets off with an address from Nora, in the light of the full moon (obviously or Aidan could have eaten the wolfies
Biggest Loser Season 14 Episode 11 very easily. You know, if they’d have got the address on the new moon they could have gone and done this with Aidan – just saying).
Bachelor Season 17 Episode 12 We’ve complained about this on the Podcast and it’s really clear in this episode
Being Human Season 3 Episode 9 – there’s just too much going on in everyone’s lives for them to ever have any down time,
Bachelor Season 17 Episode 13 any rest or any non-angst. Take Aidan – he who is sad all the time – he already had a dwindling blood
90210 Season 5 Episode 17 supply, a werewolf trying to kill him and Nora snarling at him. Then throw in the 2 bloodstained ghosts (and it’s not like vampire victims commonly come back as ghosts
Biggest Loser Season 14 Episode 11 or all vampires would behave themselves) and it’s just a step (and an angst) too far. I’m not actually
Bachelor Season 17 Episode 12 against Aidan getting some guilt for his murders, in fact one of my ongoing complaints about Urban Fantasy
Being Human Season 3 Episode 9 is how no-one cares as disposable victims pile up everywhere. But if you’re going to have the guilty ghosts then something else in Aidan’s very busy storyline
Bachelor Season 17 Episode 12 has to give. And Nora isn’t the best vehicle for it either –
90210 Season 5 Episode 17 it looks hypocritical when her claws aren’t clean and the fact she continually links it to Erin makes her look unreasonable and looking for a reason to hate Aidan more than her legitimately
Biggest Loser Season 14 Episode 11 being outraged by his death toll. Back at the house, Josh gets a call from Kat worried about Aidan disappearing with Liam – and Josh is far more than worried. (Should set the zombie on him)
Bachelor Season 17 Episode 13. He grabs a gun, some ammo and sets off with an address from Nora, in the light of the full moon (obviously or Aidan could have eaten the wolfies
Being Human Season 3 Episode 9 very easily. You know, if they’d have got the address on the new moon they could have gone and done this with Aidan – just saying).
Bachelor Season 17 Episode 13