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Old 01-19-2010, 12:33 PM
Flixmaster Flixmaster is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 1
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Streaming Your Own Channel in H.264

If you'd like to stream live movies, tv or any other video you need to get several applications.

First Flash Media Live Encoder 2.5 / 3.0 Depending on your OS.

H.264 is the better video quality output, and based on your internet speeds for good h.264 quality, you definitely want to have a bitrate on the video @ 500kb/s or higher, you can run a speedtest at many free bandwidth test sites to determine the best speeds for your stream.

2nd Screen Capture Program-

The 2 best out there are Webcammax & VHScrap(free). You Can also try manycam or superwebcam , those put a heavy strain on your processor and also produce motion lag on basic video cards. VHScrap is about the lightest program out there for general user without motion lag or over working your processor.

3rd - A video Player -

VLC from VideoLan & Window Media Player Classic (both free)

To get a true capture of the screen without window decorations your going to want to disable window decorations in VLC , this will not show the outline of the video box to the screen capturing program. Both of these applications in a small video box , will stream h.264 720p & 1080 mkv & mp4 files without lag, if your system can handle it.

Now Finally There are Several Sites that you can stream on , depending on your content. Most sites that are mainstream, will frown against streaming movies or television content and could lead you to getting banned permanently. If your planning on doing a lifecasting media show or radio show , UStream, Livestream, JustinTV , Freedocast are good sites, JustinTV is the easiest to stream other content as well, but as their users will very soon find out they are banning all 3rd party media and going to a fully paid service early spring 2010. You can find other sites to stream anything you want, just do your google/bing search you will find something.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Thanks Hope this will give you the basics of what you need to stream, there are also several youtube video tutorials you can find to help you setup the specifics with the applications i listed above

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