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Old 06-28-2016, 01:48 AM
nguyentuanhhn06 nguyentuanhhn06 is offline
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Re: Stream Recorder - SPAM issue
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Old 06-28-2016, 04:24 AM
wizard wizard is offline
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Re: Stream Recorder - SPAM issue

I hope that I am not the only one reporting spam posts. Sadly, as long as Admins are away there is no much use of reporting but at least I am feeling better doing so.

By the way, spam issue is most likely easy to be solved and all those smart asses to be banned but looks like Admins went to Mars on hollyday. lol
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Old 06-28-2016, 04:35 AM
Techmandk Techmandk is offline
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Re: Stream Recorder - SPAM issue

You are not the only one And i think you are right about staff is on holiday.
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Old 06-28-2016, 09:30 AM
xuanhong0209 xuanhong0209 is offline
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Originally Posted by wizard View Post
I am wondering when will the Administrators finally solved all the issues with the forum board ? At first there were some adds, which I don't mind by the way. I guess board has to live out of something so they are fine. Than, few weeks a go NOD32 started alarming me of an trojan virus within the forum board not allowing me to open it at all. Finally, more than ever, now there is an issue with fake members that are posting ton of spam replies. I am reporting absolutely all the spam I see but as far as I can see, no one is deleting the spam replies yet. I really like this board and I have learned and discovered many useful things here so the last thing I want to see is that it ends up like this. Therefore, come on Admins, spend a few minutes more at the board and give just a little bit more efforts in order to make it clean and keep it alive. Thank you. Friendly regards, wizard.
Sau Ä‘??n thá»?i k?¬ sá»* dá»?ng, bá??n th?*nh thá»* r?* v?* bá??o d?°á»?ng m??y su??t bá»?i, rệ đổ cá??c bá»™ phá?*n nh?° d?*nh dá??p v?*nh Ä‘ai, bá»™ lá»?c, b?*n chá??i cuá»™n. Việc biá»?u d?°á»?ng M??y su??t ná»?a bá»?i nh?* x?°á»?ng thá??ng sá?? gi??p m??y vá?*n h?*nh tiệm quá?? v?* bá»?n bỉ. Bá??n c?? dá??ng tr?°á»?ng Ä‘oá??n c?? biá»?u d?°á»?ng tá??i nh?* Ä‘á»? tá?§n tiện uổng.
thá?©m tra t?¬m vá»? b??n ngo?*i:
  • ch??i tuyệt vá»?i dá??u nứt, v?* bá»?i nhá»›p b??m v?*o
  • Ä?á??m bá??o rá?±ng ph?*ch cá??m Ä‘iện ki??n cố
  • Xem qu??n Ä‘iện nhiá»?u bị tr??c bong, há??, chá??c nÄ?ng kh?´ng, ná??u gi?*u ná??u nh?° sá»*a th?°á»?ng xuy??n
Kiá»?m tra qu??n v?*nh Ä‘ai
  • dá??u nứt, há??n hoá?·c xoá??n má»±c vá??y Ä‘ai, cá?§n chỉnh lá??i hoá?·c ná??m má»›i thá??ng tá??p
  • Ä?á??m bá??o qu??n Ä‘ai ká??t tiá??p kiá??n chá?·t Ä‘á??p đồng c?? thá»? m??y.
coi x?©t bá»™ lá»?c
  • Gá»? t??t vá»?i t??c, l?´ng phệt nu?´i, bá»?i bá??n, giá??y vá»?n b??m v?*o bá»™ lá»?c mức m??y h??t bá»?i.
  • ngay rá»*a tiệt bá»™ lá»?c k?¬ cá»? n??c x?* ph??ng chống, ph??i ph??ng kh?´ khan rồi gá??n v?*o m??y v?* r??ng bá»™ lá»?c má»›i 6-12 th??ng/lá?§n nhá?±m cá??n Ä‘á»? ph??ng ná??m mốc x?¬, ng?? h?´i trong m??y.
tiá??n Ä‘??nh r??o trá»?i b?*n chá??i cuá»™n
  • Ä‘??nh tuyệt t??c tai, sá»?i chỉ, l?´ng phá??t nu?´i nÄ?ng má??nh vá»?n b??m v?*o b?*n chá??i cuá»™n phanh b?*n chá??i c?? tr??n.
  • Sau Ä‘??, bá??n xoay b?*n chá??i vá??n v?* lá??ng tai t?*nh c?? tiá??ng r?*t hay l?* tiá??ng ken k?©t ngá»? v??ng bi hay l?* chá??, b?*n chá??i gi?*u tá??o nhịp nh?*ng chá??ng v?* ná??u cá??p thiá??t thá»?i thay v??ng bi má»›i.
rệ đ�, n??m thay t??i đựng b�i
  • T??i Ä‘á»±ng bá»?i th?°á»?ng xuy??n ná??u Ä‘á?·c mồm
  • Gi?© tuyệt vá»?i bá»?i, v?* thá?? t??i má»›i khi t??i bị r??ch
so??t ống su??t
Ä?ịnh ká»? r?* ống h??t t?*nh ná??t gi?*u lốt nứt hoá?·c chứ hay bá»?i d??, quá?*t c?? k?*ch tá??c lá»›n Ä‘á?? v?*t Ä‘?°á»?ng th?´ng tá»? gi?? kh?´ng. ngoá??i giá??, bá??n chá»› Ä‘?°á»?c thá?? ống su??t ná»?a tốt di chuyá»?n m??y từ vá»±ng tr?* n?*o l?* qua do tr?* kh??c.
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Old 06-28-2016, 01:35 PM
Techmandk Techmandk is offline
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Re: Stream Recorder - SPAM issue

May your hole family die of cancer I will be the first one to laugh my ass off
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Old 06-30-2016, 04:06 AM
wizard wizard is offline
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Re: Stream Recorder - SPAM issue

Back to top until the issue gets solved.
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Old 06-30-2016, 09:49 AM
muabanxe0209 muabanxe0209 is offline
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Originally Posted by wizard View Post
I am wondering when will the Administrators finally solved all the issues with the forum board ? At first there were some adds, which I don't mind by the way. I guess board has to live out of something so they are fine. Than, few weeks a go NOD32 started alarming me of an trojan virus within the forum board not allowing me to open it at all. Finally, more than ever, now there is an issue with fake members that are posting ton of spam replies. I am reporting absolutely all the spam I see but as far as I can see, no one is deleting the spam replies yet. I really like this board and I have learned and discovered many useful things here so the last thing I want to see is that it ends up like this. Therefore, come on Admins, spend a few minutes more at the board and give just a little bit more efforts in order to make it clean and keep it alive. Thank you. Friendly regards, wizard.
Ná??u bá??n Ä‘ang gá?·p nhá»?ng vá??n Ä‘á»? SAU vá»? l?*n da:
??‘‰ Da xỉn m?*u, c?? nhá»?ng đốm Ä‘en Ä‘??ng gh?©t
??‘‰ C??c Ä‘iá»?m sá?§n s??i d?°á»›i da
??‘‰ Bá??n má»›i 23t m?* tr?´ng l?*n da nh?° 32t
??‘‰ Make up nhiá»?u l?*m da xá??u Ä‘i há??n
??‘‰ Sá»* dá»?ng kem d?°á»?ng th?°á»?ng xuy??n c?©ng kh?´ng Ä?n thua

Th?¬ Ä‘??y ch?*nh l?* giá??i ph??p d?*nh cho bá??n:

Kem d?°á»?ng trá??ng da Collagen KissA

â?” Chiá??t xuá??t 100% Collagen tá»± nhi??n, cá??i thiện sá??c tố da trong 1 thá»?i gian sá»* dá»?ng (sá??n phá?©m cam Ä‘oan kh?´ng chá??t tá?©y, kh?´ng b?*o m??n, hoá?·c g??y k?*ch ứng da)
� Xo?? m� c??c đốm đen l?*m da xỉn m?*u
â?” Cung cá??p chá??t d?°á»?ng á?©m, cho l?*n da m?°á»›t m?°á»?t, cÄ?ng mịn
â?” Bá??o vệ v?* nu?´i d?°á»?ng l?*n da khá»?i tia UV, c??c t??c nh??n g??y há??i từ m?´i tr?°á»?ng
â?” Lá??y lá??i n?©t Ä‘á??p tá»± nhi??n của l?*n da, cho bá??n vá?» Ä‘á??p rá??ng rá»?
??’???’?CAM Ká??T CHá?¤T L??á»?NG??’???’?
??‘?Sá??n xuá??t theo Há»?p đồng nh?°á»?ng quyá»?n từ KissA Skincare USA
??‘?Sá??n phá??m sá??n xuá??t 100% tá»± nhi??n
??‘?Kh?´ng chứa chá??t tá?©y trá??ng
??‘?Kh?´ng g??y b?*o m??n da
??‘?Kh?´ng chứa chá??t l?*m da k?*ch ứng
??‘?Sá??n phá?©m c?? giá??y chứng nhá?*n an to?*n sá»* dá»?ng v?* cam ká??t chá??t l?°á»?ng từ Viện Pasteur, Trung t??m III v?* Ä‘?°á»?c Sá»? y tá?? cá??p Giá??y c?´ng bố, kiá»?m duyệt tr??n to?*n quốc

??Ž???Ž? Ä?Ä‚??T HA?€NG NGAY H?”M NAY Ä??Š?‰ Ä????*??C NH?‚??N GIA?? ??U Ä?A??I:

Mua 1 sá??n phá?©m gia?? ??‘‰ 420k

COMBO 2 sá??n phá?©m giá??m ngay ⬇ 100k chỉ c??n ??‘‰320k/sá??n phá?©m

Ä?á?·c Biệt COMBO từ 3 sá??n phá?©m trá»? l??n gia?‰m gi?? kịch s?*n⬇ chi?‰ co?€n ??‘‰ 300k/sá??n phá?©m.

Ship h?*ng to?*n quốc thanh to??n trá»±c tiá??p khi nhá?*n h?*ng, ph?* ship 30k/Ä‘??n (Kh??ch l?°u ?? Ä‘á»?c r?µ th?´ng tin Ä‘á»? tr??nh má??t thá»?i gian)

??Ž???Ž? Ch?°??ng tr?¬nh ??p dá»?ng 5 ng?*y từ 01.07.2016

??“žÄ?Ä???t ha?€ng = ca??ch Comment [S?´?? Ä?i????n Thoa??i + S?´?? l?°????ng] b??n d?°????i, se?? co?? nh??n vi??n go??i cho ba??n.
??“žHoÄ???c Go??i Ä‘????n HOTLINE : 086 650 8888 Ä‘???‰ Ä‘?°????c t?° v????n va?€ h?´?? tr???? mi????n phi??.

??š™ Giao ha?€ng toa?€n qu?´??c
???* Ä?/c:??‘‰ Ta??i HCM: 376 V?µ VÄ?n Tá?§n, Ph?°á»?ng 5, Quá?*n 3, TP.HCM
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Old 07-09-2016, 06:04 AM
wizard wizard is offline
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Re: Stream Recorder - SPAM issue

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