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Old 02-08-2010, 01:57 AM
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Stream Netflix movies through PS3(Playstation 3)?

We are Netflix customers and have a Playstation 3. We would like to stream movies from Netflix to our television and have received the DVD from Netflix that will allow us to do so. I'm basically just waiting on the 50 ft ethernet cable. My question is: Are we only going to have access to movies that are "Instant Play" on the Netflix website or will we be able to watch any Netflix movie available?

My husband's coworker has some sort of "box" that supposedly allows him to watch ANY Netflix movie on his television instantly. Is there something additional we need to purchase, or will we have these same capabilities with our PS3? Thanks!
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Old 02-08-2010, 02:02 AM
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Re: Stream Netflix movies through PS3(Playstation 3)?

You can watch the "Instant play" movies on Playstation 3. There are lots of movies available for instant play, but not all of the Netflix movies.

Roku HD-XR Player (a.k.a. Roku Netflix Player) can be purchased to watch Netflix movies. AFAIK It has the same capabilities as PS3, i.e. allows to watch the "Instant Play" movies.
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