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Old 07-05-2010, 07:38 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

How to stream gameplays from xbox 360 to Ustream.TV using Blackmagic Intensity Pro

You will need:
  1. Blackmagic Intensity Pro,
  2. Flash Media Encoder,
  3. xbox 360,
  4. HDMI cable,
  5. PC with Windows

How to stream gameplays from xbox 360 to Ustream.TV using Blackmagic Intensity Pro
  1. Since xbox 360 uses HDMI without HDCP encryption, you can capture from HDMI.
  2. Set up PS3 to output 720p video for recording HD videos with it. Note that Blackmagic Intensity Pro doesn't support 1080p. Also note that interlaced videos with fast actions can bring unpleasant artifacts, so we will be using progressive video instead.
  3. Install the latest drivers for your Intensity Pro capture card.
  4. Open Control Panel and select the Intensity item.
  5. In the "Set Output" combo-box select "HDMI & Y, R-Y, B-Y".
  6. In the "Set Input" combo-box select "HDMI Video & HDMI audio".
  7. In the "Select Input Processing" combo-box choose "720p HD to SD Letterbox 16:9"
  8. Hit the "Apply" button and the "Ok" button.
  9. Launch "Media Express".
  10. In Media Express go to "Edit" -> "Preferences". Under the "Capture Settings" select "HD 720p 60" in the "Video Format" combo-box.
  11. Go to Ustream.TV and create your Show page. Then download your FME profile from your Show page.
  12. Open Ustream.TV FME profile in Flash Media Encoder.
  13. FME will show an error saying that the Video Bitrate or Frame Size is not supported. Discard this error and continue.
  14. Use your Ustream.TV FME profile as a template, but change the Frame-rate onto 29.97 and the Input size onto 720x486.
  15. You should now see your xbox 360 in the Input and Output windows.
  16. Select the Input source for your audio in the FME. Note that FME doesn't support HDMI audio.
  17. Hit the "Start" button.
  18. Go to Ustream.TV and see your broadcast.
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