Strange problem with FME streams:Framerate dependent on stream link opened in browser
Let me start this off by saying I am relatively new to streaming so this may be a very simple issue and I may just be overlooking a small detail. Currently I am running Adobe Flash Media (v3.1) to broadcast to a server. I use VHscrcap for screen capture.
The issue I am having is that my stream's framerate seems to be dependent on whether or not the actual stream is open in my browser (firefox). What I mean by this is that when I have everything running without the webpage on open my stream is incredibly slow at 1 fps. If I change nothing else and just open up the link the framerate will jump right up to normal speeds. I have adjusted all of the different capture settings from their lowest through their highest settings and the problem is consistently dependent on whether or not my browser is open to this page. This indicates to me it is probably not a computer processing issue or a lack of upload speed in general.
One possibility which I have yet to test is an anti-virus program interfering via a firewall that becomes bypassed if my browser has already established a connection to the address I am streaming to. Both my router firewalls and Windows firewalls are disabled. I have even set my computer to a DMZ to insure no firewall interference, but I haven't adjusted my anti-virus software yet. Does anyone have any other suggestions as to what else could be causing this problem?
System Specs:
Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
Intel Core i7 920 OC'd @ 3.33 GHz
Nvidia GTX 480
12 gig ram
D/L speed = 30 mb/sec
U/L speed = 5 mb/sec