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Old 08-11-2011, 03:12 PM
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Stay away from iBook Store! Buy books from other ebook stores to get DRM free ebooks

stay away from the iBook Store completely and buy all ebooks from some other book store.

The iBooks store allows their own private extensions to the epub standard that are not even in ePub 3 spec. They are trying the same "embrace and extend" approach to breaking the standard as Microsoft used to try with Java. Nor do they provide a Desktop version of iBooks so that people can read at the Desktop.

Apple should be ashamed of itself! Please do not give them any iBooks business!

Nobody seems to be working on removing DRM from iBooks store ebooks. If you need a DRM-free ebook, do NOT buy anything from iBook store.
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Old 01-03-2012, 06:08 PM
blvovsky blvovsky is offline
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Re: Stay away from iBook Store! Buy books from other ebook stores to get DRM free ebo

I had a problem reading Apple DRM ebooks on other devices and I solved it! Below is How Tos reading iBooks AppStore purchased DRM epub books on other devices:

Step 1. Buy your book through iBooks on iPhone or iPad. It will be Apple specifically locked DRM epub, which is not a standard epub DRM but Apples's specifics, which you cannot break with any so far available DRM cracker.

Step 2. Search and download for free a torrent with the same book with NO DRM - there are almost ANY book you can download on the Web for free either through torrents or somehow else.

Step 3. Convert the downloaded ebook to epub, mobi etc with Calibre or any other free ebook converter and use it!

Note: As long as you paid originally for your ebook - you paid the author and it's not a piracy!

Known issues: you get tempted to stop paying for ebooks at all and move to the dark side... Not known workarounds so far but the self discipline.



No, I am not an idiot - I have just explained how Apple with their exaggerated, unreasonable DRM over-push forces us to move to piracy.
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Old 05-01-2013, 07:32 AM
Gerlyn Gerlyn is offline
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Re: Stay away from iBook Store! Buy books from other ebook stores to get DRM free ebo

Thanks for this information. I don’t buy eBook in any other sites except the Top eBook Reader. I don’t trust sites easily because of my past experience with them. so we must be aware of the sites we usually visits.
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