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Old 08-23-2010, 11:35 AM
AfxTwn AfxTwn is offline
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Soundtaxi Converted Songs Have Gaps On Playback

Hi, I'm using Soundtaxi Pro version 4.0.6 on my Windows 7 HP 64-bit PC and have been experiencing major sound issues on a lot of converted songs. I am using ST to get rid of the DRM on my Napster-downloaded WMA files and then converting them to iPod-friendly M4A files for use on my 2nd gen iPod Touch.

I tend to convert a large batch of songs once a week (about 200-300 songs) but I think that ST doesn't like this and even though it shows all the songs as being converted, upon playback on my iPod I notice problems. I think ST normally converts 11+ songs at a time.

A lot of the files will have gaps of silence in them, this can be anywhere from a couple of seconds up to almost half a minute before the sound kicks back in and the song continues playing. Sometimes after an extensive period of silence (the track is still showing as playing and isn't paused), the iPod gives up on it and just skips to the next song.

I have just upgraded my CPU to an AMD Phenom X4 9850 and I know that Soundtaxi is extremely CPU-heavy but it isn't showing that it's using anywhere near 100% of my quad-core CPU.

I don't understand what is causing the problem but it is really annoying me now seeing as I'm playing song-roulette every time I put an album on to see which tracks will play perfectly normal and which ones will have silent-gaps in them.

Has anyone had experience of this and can advise me how to resolve it? I've tried emailing ST support but they're absolutely no use and either don't respond to your email or suggest converting one track at a time which I think is ridculous and will take me forever to convert all of my music each week.

Thanks for any help.
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Old 08-23-2010, 01:31 PM
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Re: Soundtaxi Converted Songs Have Gaps On Playback

Usually contacting support is the only way to solve such problems. I wish their support was more helpful.

Have you tried to remove DRM from problematic songs again? If yes, have you had the same problem?

Also have you tried the troubleshooting mode?

p.s. Another way of removing DRM from Napster:
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Old 08-24-2010, 10:59 AM
AfxTwn AfxTwn is offline
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Re: Soundtaxi Converted Songs Have Gaps On Playback

I think I'll re-convert all of the songs again (luckily once I had originally converted them, I stored them all on a seperate HDD) using troubleshooting mode. There is a setting where it can reduce the conversion speed and make it less CPU intensive, so hopefully that might make a difference.

The only other setting after that is to convert the files one at a time. I don't know if the problem is occurring because it is converting 11+ files at once or because I am trying to convert large batches of files. I've read elsewhere that ST has problems with large batch conversions.

With regard to that other program you mentioned, I haven't tried that yet but have read about it. It seems like it can have problems with some files and I would have to mess about resetting Napster's licences. I'll try the new Soundtaxi setting first and see how that goes.

Thanks for the help though.
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