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Old 04-06-2013, 11:55 AM
xdrummer xdrummer is offline
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Sound quality with Total Recorder using laptop

I have been recording music streams with Total Recorder for several years on my desktop with great results. Recently I have been using Total Recorder on my laptop with not so great results. The sound quality or fidelity of the recorded music stream using the laptop is inferior to the same music stream recorded from Total Recorder on the desktop. I should mention that the laptop is connected via Wifi. I understand that Total Recorder uses it own driver and bypasses the soundcard. There is probably an easy solution to this but I have not found it. I have compared the sound quality many times and cannot come up with a solution to match the sound quality on the desktop. My laptop is a Lenovo G570 with an Intel i3. My desktop has an i7. Any advice would be appreciated.
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Old 04-06-2013, 12:09 PM
Stream Ripper Stream Ripper is offline
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Re: Sound quality with Total Recorder using laptop

There are many programs that can record this, for Example Replay Music, Nettransport

Can you please provide me with the URL of the audio or video you're trying to record?
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