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Old 08-09-2012, 05:24 PM
calamar calamar is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 3
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Smooth streaming and strange manifest url, no manifest nor video download.

Hi I've tried some methods and read some posts about how to download ms smooth streaming, and I've been unable to do so.

The source is oogg broadcast via

You can see the it here (may be country IP blocked):
And any of the videos have the following url:
Which leads to:
which leads to:
which leads to:
which leads to:
An error occurred while processing your request. Reference #50.56db6ad4.1344552327.16cf33cb.

But, if you use http live headers or similar while loading the video there is a player whom requests manifests and streaming but actually uses the following url:
That have "?__auth__=1344550224_10ee2d5affe30b2b4f7148efd277 c351" at the end of it.

With that URL the manifest can be downloaded and show the typical manifest info:

Problem is, if you try to download the manifest several times, or without requesting the video first (via an url from like those finished with video?v=XXXX) you cannot get the manifest, and probably neither the stream. Might be associated with a unique session.

The manifest file doesn't seem to contain references to DRM protected files (see attached filejungle manifest).

I've tried ismdownloader and rmc4 without success. Both seems to fail, probably because the nature of the manifest url.
I've asked for help in both topics, ism (crash) and rmc4 (unable to get manifest).

Any other ideas or approach to the problem?

I wish it was my fault and had a dump and easy solution. I really would like to same some of the sports events.

P.S.: Flashgot firefox addon seems to catch and be able to download the ss fragments, but it does it randomly and you can't know if he saves all the files or which bitrate the chunks have, and no clue about the ism file anywhere. Can be fg scripted to do what ism does?

Last edited by calamar : 08-09-2012 at 05:50 PM. Reason: added info to clarify.
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