I'm trying to record some streaming files which happen to be in .smil files. The main page with the video(s) is here:
I was able to find the 6 .smil files and save them before my computer crashed and gave me the blue screen of death, but now I can't manage to find the links to the .smil files again
When I open the .smil files in notepad I'm given the following
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<head><meta base="rtmp://cp14305.edgefcs.net/ondemand"/>
<video src="mp4:14305/videohub/centric/2015/full-episodes/betcom_ctta1158hd_act1_cc_448x252_450.mp4" system-bitrate="450000"/>
<video src="mp4:14305/videohub/centric/2015/full-episodes/betcom_ctta1158hd_act1_cc_624x352_800.mp4" system-bitrate="800000"/>
<video src="mp4:14305/videohub/centric/2015/full-episodes/betcom_ctta1158hd_act1_cc_640x360_1200.mp4" system-bitrate="1200000"/>
<video src="mp4:14305/videohub/centric/2015/full-episodes/betcom_ctta1158hd_act1_cc_640x360_1800.mp4" system-bitrate="1800000"/>
<video src="mp4:14305/videohub/centric/2015/full-episodes/betcom_ctta1158hd_act1_cc_1280x720_2600.mp4" system-bitrate="2600000"/>
I can't figure out how to get the full download link for the mp4 files. Any help would be greatly appreciated.