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Old 02-06-2011, 01:52 AM
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Default uses RTMPE encryption now. How can I record it?

SiriusXM uses RTMPE encrypted streams, plus SWF Verification and SSL. Any idea how to record such streams?
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Old 02-08-2011, 02:21 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: uses RTMPE encryption now. How can I record it?

You can try to use RTMPE recorders.

You can also use freeware XM Tuner with Replay AV for downloading from
Originally Posted by DaCoach
XMtuner serves as the middle man. XMTuner is a freeware project and they posted their SiriusXM login fix on Saturday. One of the functions that XMTuner provides is to authenticate your login and act as a local 'server' to provide fresh unencrypted URLs to devices on your LAN. The device might be another computer or an Internet radio . . . or in this case, Replay AV.

So there is SiriusXM serving their content --> you connect to SiriusXM by logging in using XMTuner --> XMTuner acting as a LAN server then creates a new URL for the Sirius or XM channel you are interested iin listening to or recording --> you copy that new URL and paste it into "Shows - Add Show Manually" - then configure the Schedule Tab.

I do not see XMTuner running as a service on my computer (Win7). So if your computer reboots it likely won't automatically restart the XMTuner server. You can however Copy the program icon to the Startup folder on your Start menu. It's a small program so it shouldn't cause any noticeable slow down during boots. I'm not yet sure if the URL's that XMTuner feeds to your LAN will change after reboot.

I'm sure Applian will have a more permanent update at some point, but for now this is working just fine for me.
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Old 02-09-2011, 11:22 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: uses RTMPE encryption now. How can I record it?

Another temporary workaround is to replace SatelliteLogin.exe in the
Replay AV program files folder to record Sirius only. A new version of SatelliteLogin.exe is in the zip file:
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