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Old 10-18-2009, 09:44 AM
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How to remove DRM from sony ebooks (BBeB and EPUB) with ineptkey.pyw, inepepub.pyw

I have lots of sony ebooks in BBeB and EPUB that I would like to remove the drm from. Is this possible?? Can someone explain how to do this please???
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Old 10-19-2009, 03:24 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: How to remove DRM from sony ebooks

It is possible to remove DRM protection from EPUB files using free python scripts:

Circumventing Adobe ADEPT (Adobe Digital Experience Protection Technology) DRM for EPUB:
By way of a concrete reverse-engineering contribution, I have successfully circumvented Adobe's ADEPT DRM scheme for EPUB files. The same circumvention probably also allows decryption of ADEPT-encrypted PDF files, although I haven't looked into it yet.

ADEPT is pretty close to faultless as a crypto system -- a per-user RSA key encrypts a per-book AES key which encrypts the content. It uses AES in CBC mode with a random IV. It uses RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding, which is perfectly adequate for this case. Unfortunately for Adobe, this isn't a crypto system, but a DRM system. DRM systems ultimately depend not on the strength of their cryptography, but the complexity of their obfuscation. There is very little obfuscation in how Adobe Digital Editions hides and encrypts the per-user RSA key, allowing fairly simple duplication of exactly the same process Digital Editions uses to retrieve it.

In practical terms, this breaks ADEPT circumvention into two components: key retrieval and decryption. Key retrieval depends only on the details of Digital Editions and can change seamlessly with an update to the same. Decryption however is a property of the architecture of the system as a whole. Preventing circumventing decryption with previously retrieved keys would require changes to both DE and Adobe Content Server and would take quite some time to propagate to all ACS customers. The upshot being that if you want to decrypt ADEPT books in the future, grab your key now -- no garauntees that you'll be able to do so in the future, but a previously-retrieved key should keep on working.

Here are the scripts:
Key-retrieval script (ineptkey.pyw version 3) and Decryption script (ineptepub.pyw version 2):
To use:
  1. install Python 2.6+ (32bit) and PyCrypto,
  2. run the key-retrieval script ineptkey.pyw,
  3. then run the decryption script ineptepub.pyw using the retrieved key.

And on a preachy note, please don't be a jerk with these. DRM is bad, but piracy is wrong kids, and only validates the opinions of those who think they need DRM in the first place.
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Old 10-19-2009, 03:55 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: How to remove DRM from sony ebooks

  1. Install Adobe Flash Player
  2. Install Adobe Digital Editions (ADE)
  3. Authorize your copy of Adobe Digital Editions.
  4. Install Python
  5. Install PyCrypto
  6. Download ineptkey.pyw and ineptepub.pyw and put them into one directory.
  7. Run ineptkey.pyw. It will find the key and write it to hard disk as "ADEPTKEY.DER " in the same directory where ineptkey.pyw is.
  8. Run ineptepub.pyw
    A dialog windows with three parameters will pop up :
    • Key file ADEPTKEY.DER (filled automatically if the ADEPTKEY.DER-file and ineptepub.pyw reside in the same directory)
      If not, click on the "…" button and select a file.
    • Input file
      Click on the "…" button to choose your EPUB ebook. You'll find it in "My Documents\My Digital Editions".
      If you just can't find the EPUB ebook, open Adobe Digital Editions and find the path in the properties of the ebook.
    • Output file
      Click on the "…" and enter a filename.
  9. Open your newly created DRM-free EPUB file with your favorite application (on whatever device you like)

Download Key-retrieval script

ineptkey.pyw version 5:
ineptkey.pyw 4.3:

Download ineptepub.pyw:

ineptepub.pyw version 5.2
ineptepub.pyw version 2
Download aineptepub.pyw version 4.1

See also:
ebook DRM removal tools archive
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Old 10-19-2009, 04:13 AM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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Re: How to remove DRM from sony ebooks

I get the following error message when trying to remove DRM from EPUB with python scripts:
Error : Unexpected EOF

I downloaded ineptkey.pyw and ineptpdf.pyw. Then
  • Extracted the key with ineptkey.pyw (v3) and got an adeptkey.der file
  • Tried to remove the DRM from the epub file with ineptpdf.pyw (v2)
    and it failed with the error : "Error : Unexpected EOF"

The error message occurs on nextline() function with linepos variable value 970.630.

The ebook is 970.691 bytes long.

Please help
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Old 10-19-2009, 05:51 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: How to remove DRM from sony ebooks

Originally Posted by any ANONYMOUS forum user View Post
I get the following error message when trying to remove DRM from EPUB with python scripts:
Error : Unexpected EOF

I downloaded ineptkey.pyw and ineptpdf.pyw. Then
  • Extracted the key with ineptkey.pyw (v3) and got an adeptkey.der file
  • Tried to remove the DRM from the epub file with ineptpdf.pyw (v2)
    and it failed with the error : "Error : Unexpected EOF"

The error message occurs on nextline() function with linepos variable value 970.630.

The ebook is 970.691 bytes long.
You need to use ineptkey.pyw and ineptepub.pyw to remove DRM from EPUB files, because ineptpdf.pyw is intended to be used with PDF files.
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Old 11-12-2009, 05:44 AM
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Re: How to remove DRM from sony ebooks (BBeB and EPUB)

I just went through this how-to for removing drm from epub files. It saved me hours of tearing my hair out.
I had bought a book on booksonboard, but it came in epub format which is supported by stanza (for the iphone). However drm'd epubs are not supported (I found out after I buy my non-refundable ebook).

Finally came across your post and it worked first time like a charm.
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Old 11-25-2009, 02:32 PM
suedavids suedavids is offline
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Re: How to remove DRM from sony ebooks (BBeB and EPUB)

I don't know how to do much on computers except basic so I am lost. I downloaded the Python and PyCryto you said to download but then I am lost. What do I do with these 2 programs? What/where do I download the ineptkey.pyw and ineptepub.pyw and put them into what one directory? Can you put this in computer for idiots language?
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Old 11-26-2009, 12:15 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: How to remove DRM from sony ebooks (BBeB and EPUB)

Originally Posted by suedavids View Post
I don't know how to do much on computers except basic so I am lost. I downloaded the Python and PyCryto you said to download but then I am lost. What do I do with these 2 programs?
After downloading them you need to install them. Double-click on each file and install.

Originally Posted by suedavids View Post
What/where do I download the ineptkey.pyw and ineptepub.pyw and put them into what one directory?
It could be any directory. For example, create freePDF directory on drice C:
Then download adobe.adept.original_post.7z from
and extract f26972321.txt from it into C:\\freePDF\ (You will need freeware 7zip or any other program that supports 7z archives).
Open f26972321.txt with Notepad and save it as ineptkey.pyw.

Then go to C:\freePDF\ with Windows Explorer, right-click on the empty space of the Windows and create a new txt file ineptepub.txt . Open the file with Notepad

Then go to the following page
and select text from
#! /usr/bin/python

# ineptepub.pyw, version 2

# To run this program install Python 2.6 from
# and PyCrypto from
# (make sure to install the version for Python 2.6).  Save this script file as
# ineptepub.pyw and double-click on it to run it.
till the end, including
if __name__ == '__main__':
# sys.exit(cli_main())
Copy the selection and paste it into ineptepub.txt . Save the latter file as ineptepub.pyw .

Then follow the instructions above.
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Old 12-20-2009, 09:17 AM
jhgeorge1935 jhgeorge1935 is offline
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Re: How to remove DRM from sony ebooks (BBeB and EPUB)

I also am trying this stuff. I have everything loaded and I created the adeptkey.der ok when I load this stuff into the ineptepub.pyw box it states at the top of the box:
Error: Problem decrypting session key
Am I missing something?
I have all of the files you discussed loaded
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Old 12-22-2009, 04:21 PM
leday leday is offline
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Re: How to remove DRM from sony ebooks (BBeB and EPUB)

OK, I'm lost too. I downloaded Python and PyCrypto and installed both. I created the two pyw files. I already have ADE authorized to my computer. Now what? I have no idea how to start any of these programs and how to select the book files that I want to remove the DRM from. Can you PLEASE give step-by-step instructions? Thanks.

Update, I double clicked ineptkey.pyw and it does not generate a key. I get the following errors:

"Unexpected errors"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Documents and Settings\.......\FreePDF\ineptkey.pyw", line 198, in main
File "C:\Documents and Settings\.......\FreePDF\ineptkey.pyw", line 140, in retrieve_key
vendor = cpuid0()
File "C:\Documents and Settings\.......\FreePDF\ineptkey.pyw", line 103, in cpuid0
WindowsError: exception: access violation writing 0x00BDD260

Ineptepub.pyw works, but I cannot generate a key to use with it. Can you please tell me what is wrong here? Thanks.

UPDATE #2: There must have been some sort of hardware conflict on my PC (I had replaced the hard drive last week so maybe this had something to do with it??). Anyway, I tried downloading this to my laptop and it worked perfectly. Thanks.

Last edited by leday : 12-22-2009 at 09:31 PM.
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