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Old 11-27-2010, 12:15 AM
Stream Recorder
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DeDRM AppleScript for Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6 for removing DRM from Mobipocket,Kindle,B&N

DeDRM AppleScript for Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6

Download DeDRM AppleScript for Mac OS X version 1.7
Download DeDRM AppleScript for Mac OS X version 1.5
Download DeDRM AppleScript for Mac OS X version 1.0.2
This DeDRM AppleScript includes and combines the python scripts for removing the drm from Mobipocket, Kindle for Mac, eReader, Barnes & Noble ePub and Adobe ePub. It works in Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and 10.6 Snow Leopard.

With the DeDRM AppleScript you can remove the DRM from your Mobipocket, Kindle for Mac, eReader, Barnes & Noble ePubs and Adobe ePubs. Just Drag&Drop the DRMed ebook onto the script, and the script works out what kind of ebook it is and applies the appropriate tools, creating the de-drmed file in the same folder as the original (drag&drop the ebook files should be drag&dropped onto the icon of the AppleScript when it is not running. This launches the AppleScript and it decodes all the files it can)! Very neat, isnt' it?

If you remove DRM from Mobipocket/Kindle files downloaded using your Kindle for Mac installation or ePubs downloaded using your Adobe Digital Editions installation, then you don't even need to enter any key data - it's all picked up automatically from the standard locations.

If you have Mobipocket books that require a fixed PID, or eReader or Barnes & Noble books that require a Name/Number key, just run the script by double-clicking to enter your PID(s) and Key(s) once. The script stores them in your preferences folder and will apply them appropriately.

Note that besides drag&drop, you can double-clicking the DeDRM AppleScript to run. In this mode it just puts up various dialogs for you to enter additional decryption keys.

There is no need to install Python (it uses the default installation that comes with Mac OS X). There is no need to install PyCrypto (the new python scripts use openssl that comes with Mac OS X). There is even no need to install the Mac OS X developer tools (everything needed is installed with the standard Mac OS X installation).

Just Download DeDRM AppleScript, unzip, and start dragging and dropping those DRMed ebooks.

eReader ebooks: The output from an encrypted eReader file is a .pmlz zip file of the unencypted PML and images. If you have DropBook installed on your Mac, DropBook will be used to also produce an unencrypted eReader file.

You can drag&drop multiple files, or even folders and nested folders. There is no progress dialog with this AppleScript, so if you drop lots of files at once be patient – you’ll be able to see the unencrypted books appearing in the folders in the Finder.

Legal notice:
You should use the DeDRM AppleScript for access to your own ebooks for archiving/conversion/convenience.

Authors, bookshops and publishers all need to make a living, so that they can continue to produce books for us to read. Don't be a parasite!

Some of the python scripts included inside this Applescript package have been slightly modified from the version in the tools 2.2a package. These modifications are only to make the python scripts work better with the AppleScript, and will probably be rolled into a later version of the tools package (as will the DeDRM AppleScript).
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Old 01-03-2011, 04:22 PM
Apprentice Alf Apprentice Alf is offline
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Re: DeDRM AppleScript for Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6 for removing DRM from Mobipocket,Kindle

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
Download DeDRM AppleScript for Mac OS X version 1.0.2
Thanks for the repost. A link to my blog would be useful, since the script does get updated. (Currently at 1.5.)

You can always find the latest version in my blog (see my profile)

— Alf.
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Old 01-03-2011, 10:43 PM
Stream Ripper Stream Ripper is offline
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Re: DeDRM AppleScript for Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6 for removing DRM from Mobipocket,Kindle

Originally Posted by Apprentice Alf View Post
Thanks for the repost. A link to my blog would be useful, since the script does get updated. (Currently at 1.5.)

You can always find the latest version in my blog (see my profile)

— Alf.
Is it your script?

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Old 01-09-2011, 04:53 PM
rjfriedman rjfriedman is offline
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Re: DeDRM AppleScript for Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6 for removing DRM from Mobipocket,Kindle

Bought an ebook on my Mac from iTunes and it comes in a epub format. Tried converting it to mobi in Calibre so I can read it on my Kindle. Wouldn't convert becasue of DRM. Used DeDRM 1.7 but it didn't work. It said the epub could not be decoded: no keys. I thought all yopu had to do was drag the epub file over the DeDRM 1.7 and it would convert. Where to now?
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Old 01-13-2011, 03:17 AM
Apprentice Alf Apprentice Alf is offline
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Re: DeDRM AppleScript for Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6 for removing DRM from Mobipocket,Kindle

Originally Posted by Stream Ripper View Post
Is it your script?
The AppleScript part is entirely mine. The Python scripts are mostly by other people (I ♥ Cabbages, Dark Reverser, CMBDTC, some_updates, DiapDealer), but I'm done quite a bit of work on the Mobipocket script.

— Alf.
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Old 01-13-2011, 03:19 AM
Apprentice Alf Apprentice Alf is offline
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Re: DeDRM AppleScript for Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6 for removing DRM from Mobipocket,Kindle

Originally Posted by rjfriedman View Post
Bought an ebook on my Mac from iTunes and it comes in a epub format. Tried converting it to mobi in Calibre so I can read it on my Kindle. Wouldn't convert becasue of DRM. Used DeDRM 1.7 but it didn't work. It said the epub could not be decoded: no keys. I thought all yopu had to do was drag the epub file over the DeDRM 1.7 and it would convert. Where to now?
Unfortunately, the important bit for you in the description of DeDRM is "Barnes & Noble ePubs and Adobe ePubs". As far as I'm aware, no-one has got a solution for Apple's Fairplay ePubs.

It's possible that someone's working on them, but I don't know of any active work in that area.

If anyone does know of a way to remove DRM from Apple's ePubs bought through their iBooks Store, I'd love to hear about it.

— Alf.
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