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Old 07-12-2008, 01:07 AM
wazo wazo is offline
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Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from

* updated by Admin *

Ill put as much information as I think is necessary and will skip the long story of how I figured this out. More to the story though: where there’s a will, there’s a way: Don’t give up!

What is & why does there have to be a whole topic on it?
cam4 is a free adult webcam site that, as many other live cam sites, common methods of download will not work for it. It uses the RTMP protocol and a flash player. After searching the web I found no solutions to the problem, and this site has other solutions so I thought I’d just add one more for everyone to enjoy.

What CAN record adult videos from
For non-private sessions, try WM Recorder, Replay Media Catcher or Jaksta (also for Mac).

Any session (including chat comments if you like), can be saved with a high quality screen video capture program. Both WM Capture and Replay Video Capture are designed specifically for this. And they are anonymous and undetectable.

Note: if I find something else really fixed this, an easier/faster way, or something else ill update. Please leave a comment if this helped you out on any other sites, or just a thank you is well appricated. Also feel free to PM me.

Last edited by Stream Ripper : 09-05-2013 at 01:10 AM. Reason: Audio Update
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Old 07-12-2008, 10:48 PM
Stream Ripper Stream Ripper is offline
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Re:Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.c

I've been using Replay Media Catcher for a long time and it works great

If you're using a mac - Jaksta for Mac works great

Last edited by Stream Ripper : 08-23-2013 at 12:37 AM.
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Old 07-13-2008, 03:14 PM
wazo wazo is offline
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Re:Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.c

Originally Posted by Stream Ripper View Post
Thanks for the tutorial :-) :
I'd also like to add that Screen Capture Software programs do work on Cam4 as well...
Did you mean screen? Thats what you linked to.
I actuly started with CamStudio, but quickly got fed up opening other programs or having chat programs pop up in my recordings so I wanted a better way to record. (I was thinking of putting in a back story about how I figured this out and why I wanted to do it, but figured people didn't care about the story as much as they would want the fix.)
Thanks for pointing that out, I forgot to mention that that works aswell.

Last edited by Stream Ripper : 07-14-2008 at 09:46 AM.
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Old 07-29-2008, 12:47 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re:Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.c

Replay Media Catcher 5.0 can perfectly record rtmp flash videos from cam4.
Tutorial: How to record/capture/download/rip/save adult/sex/porn webcam videos from cam4 with Replay Media Catcher

Last edited by Stream Ripper : 08-23-2013 at 12:38 AM.
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Old 11-12-2008, 10:17 AM
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Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from (How to record XXX web-cam videos from cam4)

Sorry to bring this up again put i got some questions.

The link to flvtool++ doesnt work, but i found one in another place.
But all i got was some files, and you had to have 2 other programs.
One of thoose in turn required another thing called phyton.
Is it suppose to work that way?

In the hex editor i change the fifth byte (04) to 05 on all files, sound or not. Some plays and some dont.

The program i use is Real Player since its the only one i can seek.
But during some (mostly the long ones) it often after a while jump forward. Is that something that flvtool++ fixes?

Something that might matter is that i only let the stream start downloading (after restarting it), and then close the window.
Does it mather if the window is open once you get the stream in grab?
And if i restart the capture it can take a while before downloading, sometimes it wont even start even if the stream is there,
any reason for this?

Btw i got v2.7.6 and it woks.
(But maybe not as it should.)

Lots of questions but i hope i get some answers on some of them.
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Old 11-14-2008, 10:02 AM
Peabody Peabody is offline
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Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from (How to record XXX web-cam videos from cam4)

Originally Posted by Xenicide View Post
Sorry to bring this up again put i got some questions.

The link to flvtool++ doesnt work, but i found one in another place.
But all i got was some files, and you had to have 2 other programs.
One of thoose in turn required another thing called phyton.
Is it suppose to work that way?

In the hex editor i change the fifth byte (04) to 05 on all files, sound or not. Some plays and some dont.

The program i use is Real Player since its the only one i can seek.
But during some (mostly the long ones) it often after a while jump forward. Is that something that flvtool++ fixes?

Something that might matter is that i only let the stream start downloading (after restarting it), and then close the window.
Does it mather if the window is open once you get the stream in grab?
And if i restart the capture it can take a while before downloading, sometimes it wont even start even if the stream is there,
any reason for this?

Btw i got v2.7.6 and it woks.
(But maybe not as it should.)

Lots of questions but i hope i get some answers on some of them.
You may have ended up with the source code files. The executable is just 68k, and doesn't require other files. This link seems to work now:

In my experience, the jumping forward seems to be a result of the freezing and dropouts you get in the stream from cam4. It is NOT fixed by flvtool++. When the cam4 servers are overloaded, and don't give you a continuous stream, the timestamps in the recorded flv file no longer make any sense to the player. Particularly if video and audio dropouts are independent, as they often are.

What we need is something that will fill in the missing packets with something that has continuous timestamps.

I haven't found a solution to this problem, and as as result I've reverted to using Cam Studio, a free screen capture program. Which, unfortunately, comes with its own sync problems.

I don't know about closing the window. I never tried that.

I also sometimes had the problem with the capture not starting even though the window is up and running. If you are right about being able to close the window, then it looks like Orbit is making a separate duplicate connection to the server to do the capture. And in that case, for some reason it just can't get in again. So, what you are watching is not really what's being captured.
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Old 11-28-2008, 11:56 AM
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Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from (How to record XXX/adult web-cam videos from

Flash Media Server is a hub , Flash based applications connect to the hub using Real Time Messaging Protocol RTMP. The server can send and receive data to and from the connected users. Connected clients can make [Remote procedure call s RP on the server-side and the server can call methods on specific clients. A SharedObject can be used to synchronize complicated data structures and call remote methods on multiple clients in one go by having clients subscribe to a shared object. Standard ActionScript objects are transported across the NetConnection using the Action Message Format AMF which is handled transparently by the server and flash client.The server also allows users to receive and publish net streams. When viewing a net stream the user can either create their own to view a remotely stored Flash Video FLV or the server can instantiate a net stream and play a video on it, the latter method means that every user will be at the same point in the video when they subscribe to it as they are all viewing the same stream.

Edited by Mod: No Ads in your posts please. Thank you.

Last edited by Stream Ripper : 11-28-2008 at 01:50 PM.
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Old 03-20-2009, 12:01 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from (How to record XXX/adult web-cam videos from

The tricks mentioned here are really nice and might help to solve problems with other web-sites. However newer versions of RTMP Flash stream recorders have better support of For example, Replay Media Catcher can perfectly record RTMP web-cams from cam4:
Tutorial: How to record adult/sex/porn webcam videos from cam4 with Replay Media Catcher
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Old 03-27-2009, 01:27 AM
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Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.

i used Replay Media Catcher before.
Sometimes when u record the stream from cam4, u will find some videos have no right duration after finished. For example, the timestamp maybe start with no 0:0:0 instead 00: 04:01 or any other.

Now i find a wonderful tool: E.M. Youtube Video Download tool.
It works great, too. also it can fix the timestamp. and with the right duration.

hope this can help
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Old 11-12-2009, 04:42 AM
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Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.

It doesnt work for many web-sites . Try Jaksta
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