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Old 07-25-2012, 06:14 PM
Elgero Elgero is offline
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Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.

Sorry, somebody contacted me last week with a bug and I forgot to post the new version.

- Fixed bug that occurred when using an 'unsupported' browser.
- Made a small change to the rtmp url scanner.
- Added Opera support.
- Added Safari support.
- Removed the need for the LogStub library.

If the audio column shows that there is no audio stream, then use KSV's FLV Fixer script. There maybe is an audio stream, but video players won't play it, because the FLV header says that there is no audio stream. The FLV Fixer script will fix that problem. Maybe I'll translate the script and add it to the Cam4 Downloader if KSV has no problems with that.
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Old 07-26-2012, 05:15 PM
Winstontoo Winstontoo is offline
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Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.

Originally Posted by Elgero View Post
Sorry, somebody contacted me last week with a bug and I forgot to post the new version.

- Fixed bug that occurred when using an 'unsupported' browser.
- Made a small change to the rtmp url scanner.
- Added Opera support.
- Added Safari support.
- Removed the need for the LogStub library.

If the audio column shows that there is no audio stream, then use KSV's FLV Fixer script. There maybe is an audio stream, but video players won't play it, because the FLV header says that there is no audio stream. The FLV Fixer script will fix that problem. Maybe I'll translate the script and add it to the Cam4 Downloader if KSV has no problems with that.
I'm bumping into this but have no idea how to use this script along with your program, could you possibly point me in the right direction?
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Old 07-26-2012, 06:13 PM
Elgero Elgero is offline
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Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.

Originally Posted by Winstontoo View Post
I'm bumping into this but have no idea how to use this script along with your program, could you possibly point me in the right direction?
You don't necessarily need the script. The only thing the script does is make the FLV video seekable, because some video players don't allow seeking (skipping forward) with recorded live streams.

It also updates the FLV header if that's necessary. If you start downloading the Cam4 stream when the broadcaster has audio turned off or is not making any sound, then the FLV header flags the video as not having any audio. This is fine when the video doesn't have audio from start to finish, but when the broadcaster turns audio on or starts making sound after a few minutes, then the video players won't pick that up. The script will change the FLV header in that case to let video players know that there is an audio stream available sooner or later.

In order to use the script (command line tool) you must install PHP.

Read the "Installing PHP for dummies" part in the first post of the thread below.

Download the FlvFixer script from the page below. Just copy all the code and paste it into a new text file called "FLVFixer.php".

To use the script go to Start -> Run

Type CMD and press Enter key.

Type: php "C:\PHP\FLVFixer.php" --in "C:\video.flv" --out "C:\fixed.flv"

(change the path to the files if necessary)

Press Enter key.
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Old 07-26-2012, 07:01 PM
Winstontoo Winstontoo is offline
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Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.

Originally Posted by Elgero View Post
You don't necessarily need the script. The only thing the script does is make the FLV video seekable, because some video players don't allow seeking (skipping forward) with recorded live streams.

It also updates the FLV header if that's necessary. If you start downloading the Cam4 stream when the broadcaster has audio turned off or is not making any sound, then the FLV header flags the video as not having any audio. This is fine when the video doesn't have audio from start to finish, but when the broadcaster turns audio on or starts making sound after a few minutes, then the video players won't pick that up. The script will change the FLV header in that case to let video players know that there is an audio stream available sooner or later.

In order to use the script (command line tool) you must install PHP.

Read the "Installing PHP for dummies" part in the first post of the thread below.

Download the FlvFixer script from the page below. Just copy all the code and paste it into a new text file called "FLVFixer.php".

To use the script go to Start -> Run

Type CMD and press Enter key.

Type: php "C:\PHP\FLVFixer.php" --in "C:\video.flv" --out "C:\fixed.flv"

(change the path to the files if necessary)

Press Enter key.
Thank you very much. I had been using RMC but the audio was almost always messed up so I have been using your program instead with good results. The problems I was having came when I was using handbrake to convert to mp4 and it was not picking up the audio stream even though one existed.

If I could make one suggestion for it, it would be to have a small beep or something to let you know if the recording stopped, I have missed a few shows that had disconnected and didn't realize it.

And while I'm being greedy with your generosity, could you explain the use of the drop down with promiscuous, none and max responsiveness?

And thank you again for sharing this, it is really a nice tool.

Edit: I got it to work just fine, however that didn't seem to fix the problem I am having with the file in question. It has sound, i can hear it in the initial flv file, it shows up in Moyea FLV editor but for some reason handbrake isn't seeing it although it sees the same audio codec in other files. Guess I have some researching to do, but I did want to tell you I appreciated your help.
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Old 07-26-2012, 11:18 PM
Elgero Elgero is offline
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Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.

Originally Posted by Winstontoo View Post
Thank you very much. I had been using RMC but the audio was almost always messed up so I have been using your program instead with good results. The problems I was having came when I was using handbrake to convert to mp4 and it was not picking up the audio stream even though one existed.

If I could make one suggestion for it, it would be to have a small beep or something to let you know if the recording stopped, I have missed a few shows that had disconnected and didn't realize it.

And while I'm being greedy with your generosity, could you explain the use of the drop down with promiscuous, none and max responsiveness?

And thank you again for sharing this, it is really a nice tool.

Edit: I got it to work just fine, however that didn't seem to fix the problem I am having with the file in question. It has sound, i can hear it in the initial flv file, it shows up in Moyea FLV editor but for some reason handbrake isn't seeing it although it sees the same audio codec in other files. Guess I have some researching to do, but I did want to tell you I appreciated your help.
Maybe the video has Nellymoser audio and this is a proprietary codec, so there aren't many applications that support it. Or it has Speex audio. FFmpeg supports Nellymoser and Speex.

The reason why Moyea FLV Editor supports them, is because it doesn't encode the audio, it does raw file editing and in that case it doesn't matter what audio codec is used.

Promiscuous mode means that it intercepts all traffic on the network. None means it only receives what it is supposed to receive, for older network cards that might not support promiscuous mode. Max Responsiveness means it will send the packets to the application as soon as it receives them, instead of buffering several packets before sending them to the application.

I'll add sound to the next version.
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Old 07-27-2012, 01:21 AM
Vidmonkey Vidmonkey is offline
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Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.

Hi Elgero,

I want to try your tool, but am having issues. I refresh the page of the streaming site, but nothing shows up in your tool. I have WinPcap installed. I have both net framework 2 and 4. I used to not like net framework around, so I made the services disabled. But now I need them for this of course. I tried setting the services to automatic and manual, and then restarting your tool. But it doesn't help. Any ideas?

I'm hoping for specific ideas, rather then reinstall this and that. I'm tired over the past few days doing installs and reboots for some other things.

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Old 07-27-2012, 03:19 AM
Elgero Elgero is offline
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Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.

Originally Posted by Vidmonkey View Post
Hi Elgero,

I want to try your tool, but am having issues. I refresh the page of the streaming site, but nothing shows up in your tool. I have WinPcap installed. I have both net framework 2 and 4. I used to not like net framework around, so I made the services disabled. But now I need them for this of course. I tried setting the services to automatic and manual, and then restarting your tool. But it doesn't help. Any ideas?

I'm hoping for specific ideas, rather then reinstall this and that. I'm tired over the past few days doing installs and reboots for some other things.

If the application starts without errors, then it's probably not a problem with the Net Framework. I've noticed that on some occasions the tool won't pick up a stream and the page needs to be refreshed one or several times before it detects the stream. Not sure what the problem is.

I don't know what network card you have, but WinPcap seems to have problems with wireless network cards. You can try NONE or MAX_RESPONSIVENESS from the second combobox, maybe that helps. This is probably a very stupid question, but you did click the "Start Recording" button before loading a webcam, right?
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Old 07-27-2012, 10:44 AM
Winstontoo Winstontoo is offline
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Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.

Originally Posted by Elgero View Post
Maybe the video has Nellymoser audio and this is a proprietary codec, so there aren't many applications that support it. Or it has Speex audio. FFmpeg supports Nellymoser and Speex.

The reason why Moyea FLV Editor supports them, is because it doesn't encode the audio, it does raw file editing and in that case it doesn't matter what audio codec is used.

Promiscuous mode means that it intercepts all traffic on the network. None means it only receives what it is supposed to receive, for older network cards that might not support promiscuous mode. Max Responsiveness means it will send the packets to the application as soon as it receives them, instead of buffering several packets before sending them to the application.

I'll add sound to the next version.
Handbrake can see the Nellymoser audio track in other captures from Cam4, just not seeing it in this particular file for some reason. Ideally I wouldn't bother with this conversion, but for some reason I get jerky sections on the flv that gets smoothed out by the conversion to mp4.

And thanks for the explanation and the inclusion of the sound feature, both are greatly appreciated.
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Old 07-27-2012, 02:36 PM
Elgero Elgero is offline
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Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.

Originally Posted by Winstontoo View Post
Handbrake can see the Nellymoser audio track in other captures from Cam4, just not seeing it in this particular file for some reason. Ideally I wouldn't bother with this conversion, but for some reason I get jerky sections on the flv that gets smoothed out by the conversion to mp4.

And thanks for the explanation and the inclusion of the sound feature, both are greatly appreciated.
Then there's most likely something wrong with that video. You can try to fix it with KSV's FLVFixer script or FLVMDI.
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Old 07-28-2012, 05:46 PM
Vidmonkey Vidmonkey is offline
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Re: Recording RTMP Webcams from cam4(HowTo record XXX/adult web-cam videos from cam4.

Originally Posted by Elgero View Post
If the application starts without errors, then it's probably not a problem with the Net Framework. I've noticed that on some occasions the tool won't pick up a stream and the page needs to be refreshed one or several times before it detects the stream. Not sure what the problem is.

I don't know what network card you have, but WinPcap seems to have problems with wireless network cards. You can try NONE or MAX_RESPONSIVENESS from the second combobox, maybe that helps. This is probably a very stupid question, but you did click the "Start Recording" button before loading a webcam, right?
Before the button was grayed out, but it works now. Thanks, it's a great app!
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