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Old 01-18-2010, 12:31 AM
hoboslobobabe hoboslobobabe is offline
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Big broblems downloading RTMPE video streams from using rmtpdump

I tried for 6 hours to download a video from
None of the software worked.
I.e. tried GetFLV, but it kept asking me to install newest flash player which I already had, reinstall didn't change anything.
I mean, with, the software is called getflv but it cant open the flv video from above !!!
Because it kept saying "install new flash player" which was of course was already installed...
So getflv didnt work.

I tried MTV Grabber but it was bugged, and never even started up.

I dont want to use Replay Media Catcher or anything like that, because I read it's not working with encrypted, protected whatever, which MTV.Com seems to be with the rmtpe and swf verification, and also I am not planning on spending any money on that software.

I ended up with URL Snooper and rtmpdump.

So I snoop some urls>>

I type in commandline

-r "rtmpe://!/" 
-o "e:\temp\video"
but it gives me the message
ignoring swf verification request, use swfvfy
I tried to understand some posts in this forum, but if I had the skill to understand all the talk about swfhash, rtmpsuck and all I'd be making tons of money with programming and living on my own island and not trying to dl some old vids from mtv.

It's all way too complicated, too much basic knowledge seems to be needed because there is no tut out there that really starts from scratch.

I tried to play around with flasm, but I have no clou what to do with it really.
Just opening the adress with the .swf aint working at all.

I need help, simple help.
If that's not possible, just tell me, that this rmpte/swf is for grownups, and I wont be coming back and never think about it again.
I had the impression first that it's possible to do it with some basic commands, but it got just way too much.

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Old 01-18-2010, 07:00 AM
noob2001204 noob2001204 is offline
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Re: Big Probs downloading RTMPE video streams from, using rmtpdump

Originally Posted by hoboslobobabe View Post
-r "rtmpe://!/" 
-o "e:\temp\video"
but it gives me the message
The command should be

-r rtmpe://!/ 
-W "" 
-o video.mp4
The difference is that you provide the wrong swfurl and --swfurl doesn't calculate the swfsize and swfhash automatically,the new option -W can replace those steps
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Old 01-18-2010, 05:50 PM
hoboslobobabe hoboslobobabe is offline
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Re: Big Probs downloading RTMPE video streams from, using rmtpdump

Thank you for your answer.

I had a constant error because my run commandline in windows always cut out the last part of my command (seems to be limited in numer of digits), and I didnt notice at first.
So of course it kept showing error messages.

After I changed that, it at least started to download, but it never finished.
Always started from 0 - 5%.
Yet it told me to use --swfvfy it still always started to download so this message seems to be redundant perhaps?

At first I didnt understand the use of --resume resp. -e.
I thought it would resume by itself.
Then I finally understood that you have to just run the command again and again until it shows 100% (resp. 99,5%, it never shows me the full 100%).

For an 80mb file that’s about 25 times maybe.
However, i finally got it to work.
Of course running the command again and again manually is not very satisfying, but unfortunately I don’t know how to write any scripts for that.
Is there a tutorial out there or can anyone give me a basic advise how a basic script for automtic repeat of the command could look like?
And how whould I execute a script like that then?
(I am using windows btw.)

I will try to just use the command I quote underneath, name the txt-file rtmpnamehere.bat and put it in the folder with rtmpdump.exe.
Then I will manually download the 1st chunk without option –e, and then start the .bat with option –e marked.
Apparently for every link the .bat has to be altered.
That’s what I will try, I dunno if itwill really work.

Anyway, this is the working line I used (for full manual download)

-r "rtmpe://!/" 
-e -o "e:\video.mp4"
The video is in 4 parts, so I have downloaded one part of it now.
Notice the –e.
When I tried to just copy paste the other parts in the command line they never started to download but created a file with 0 bytes.
Then I took out the –e for the 1st run of the command and it download about 5% successfully.
Now I put the –e back in the command for the latter parts and it worked.
So in other words applying the resume variable without anything to resume to makes the command line not to work.

I also tried your command, noob2001204.
It's not working for me.
It doesnt start downloading, and I can't see any error messages, the screen just pops up and goes away.
Except the capitol –W repx. --swfurl it's not very different though, except your line says
While mine says
I used the capitol –W in my original command, it didn't seem to make a difference.

Perhaps or at least these videos on don't need swfhash whatever (which makes me glad really because I have no idea how that works).

What I did notice though at times is that, with the same exact command line rtmpdump sometimes works and sometimes it doesn't.

When I tried to download the last part of the video, I changed any possible variable, from –w to –W, even snooped the urls again.
The 1st chunk suddenly downloaded with --swfurl, then when I added –e it didn't work again, i changed --swfurl back to --w and it worked.
I stopped trying to understand why...

One more thing I have to ask:
Is it for legal reasons that no one makes a package with rtmpdump and URL Snooper (with possible autoupdate function) plus a gui, so people just have to fill in an url and then can choose the file they want to download and it makes the rest by itself using a "simple" script?

With a little manual and certain options to apply in case you have to use resume and –W etc..
Should be possible or is it not?

Cheers Hobo
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Old 01-19-2010, 08:16 AM
noob2001204 noob2001204 is offline
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Re: Big Probs downloading RTMPE video streams from, using rmtpdump

After I changed that, it at least started to download, but it never finished.
Always started from 0 - 5%.
Yet it told me to use --swfvfy it still always started to download so this message seems to be redundant perhaps?
The error message tells you this stream require SWF verification,it still downloads,but it will always stop at some point

For an 80mb file that’s about 25 times maybe.
However, i finally got it to work.
Of course running the command again and again manually is not very satisfying, but unfortunately I don’t know how to write any scripts for that.
Is there a tutorial out there or can anyone give me a basic advise how a basic script for automtic repeat of the command could look like?
And how whould I execute a script like that then?
(I am using windows btw.)
I would suggest you to use -W to apply swfurl,swfsize and swfhash,it will download the stream without any problem
Since you're interested in resume downloading script,I post mine here
Save it as .bat file,It downloads the stream first time without resume option (-e or --resume),when it stops,press any key to continue,it will download with -e.When it finishes downloading,just close the batch file

@echo off
color 0F

echo Enter URL:
SET /P url=
rtmpdump -r %url% -o file.flv

rtmpdump -r %url% -o file.flv -e
goto b

I also tried your command, noob2001204.
It's not working for me.
It doesnt start downloading, and I can't see any error messages, the screen just pops up and goes away.
Except the capitol –W repx. --swfurl it's not very different though, except your line says
While mine says
I used the capitol –W in my original command, it didn't seem to make a difference.
It's strange,mine should work
-W or --swfVfy and --swfurl makes a huge difference,the latter doesn't calculate swfhash,swfsize itself and does use SWF verification,you should apply the correct swf url unless you want to resume downloading yourself

I used your swfurl and it doesn't even download
Be sure to use -W,the uppercase W
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Old 01-19-2010, 10:27 AM
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Re: Big Probs downloading RTMPE video streams from, using rmtpdump

-r 'rtmpe://!/' 
-W '' 
-o video.mp4
works just fine. I didn't need to use the resume option at all
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Old 01-19-2010, 10:32 AM
nullacht nullacht is offline
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Re: Big Probs downloading RTMPE video streams from, using rmtpdump

example URL:
rtmpdump command:
rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "ondemand?ovpfv=1.1" -f "WIN 10,0,42,34" -W "" -t "rtmpe://" -p "" -C Z: -y "mp4:mtvcomstor/_!/" -o output.flv
Make sure you use rtmpdump 2.1c!

Last edited by nullacht : 01-19-2010 at 11:17 AM.
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Old 01-19-2010, 04:29 PM
hoboslobobabe hoboslobobabe is offline
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Re: Big Probs downloading RTMPE video streams from, using rmtpdump

Originally Posted by nullacht View Post
example URL:
rtmpdump command:
rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "ondemand?ovpfv=1.1" -f "WIN 10,0,42,34" -W "" -t "rtmpe://" -p "" -C Z: -y "mp4:mtvcomstor/_!/" -o output.flv
Make sure you use rtmpdump 2.1c!
I tried this too, it gave me a constant error message and system crash.
I dunno why, but i don’t understand the used parameters either^^.
Can you explain them?

I think maybe the command doesn't work for me because there has been some error in copying your text, format blabla.
I used winword for it, and it freaks me out^^.

Originally Posted by noob2001204 View Post
The error message tells you this stream require SWF verification,it still downloads,but it will always stop at some point

I would suggest you to use -W to apply swfurl,swfsize and swfhash,it will download the stream without any problem
Since you're interested in resume downloading script,I post mine here
Save it as .bat file,It downloads the stream first time without resume option (-e or --resume),when it stops,press any key to continue,it will download with -e.When it finishes downloading,just close the batch file

It's strange,mine should work
-W or --swfVfy and --swfurl makes a huge difference,the latter doesn't calculate swfhash,swfsize itself and does use SWF verification,you should apply the correct swf url unless you want to resume downloading yourself

I used your swfurl and it doesn't even download
Be sure to use -W,the uppercase W
I tried it again and it now works after some tries, I think because of the format of the text some errors occured, perhaps because winword always changes standard dash - to a long dash – .
Maybe copy/paste problems can explain too, why my command didnt work for you the way worked for me (with the obligation to use the resume function that is).

So this is your (adapted) command I used and it worked fine now (only problem is I have to copy each that ends with -letter one by one):

-r rtmpe://!/ 
-W "" 
-o "e:\video4.mp4a"
Thanks for your help and for the script, I will try to understand it and see if it works but I guess if uppercase -W keeps working I wont need the script for now^^.

Btw. I am in fact using rtmpdump 2.1c

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Old 01-20-2010, 08:35 AM
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Re: Big Probs downloading RTMPE video streams from, using rmtpdump

Originally Posted by hoboslobobabe View Post
I tried it again and it now works after some tries, I think because of the format of the text some errors occured, perhaps because winword always changes standard dash - to a long dash – .
Maybe copy/paste problems can explain too, why my command didnt work for you the way worked for me (with the obligation to use the resume function that is).
Stay away from M$ software and you will be good

Don't use Winword, use any other text editor. Notepad or Notepad++ should work fine for you.

If you use Opera web-browser, you can create a note in it, paste text into the note and edit it.
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Old 01-21-2010, 11:33 PM
hoboslobobabe hoboslobobabe is offline
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Re: Big Probs downloading RTMPE video streams from, using rmtpdump

Indeed it took me a while to stop using winword with the editing of commands .
In april I will probably getting linux (mint LTS) on my PC, so I'll have a good alternative to m$, at least once I get used to linux .

I got one question, about the .swf substitute file that noob gave in his command.
The line:
What does that stand for and how do i generally get it?
I mean it's the streaming address of sdmtv and associated channels like
comedy central.
I guess that address I can generally get from snooped urls that are swf-files, right?
I just would like to know how I can come up with the whole line myself in other cases.

The line I used before
is the obvious one.
But I guess for -W option I need the other one, so how can I get ahold of it?
Right now I am dl from comedycentral and the line noob
gave also works here.

"e:\r\rtmpdump.exe" -r rtmpe:// -W "" -o "e:\video1.mp4a"
I'm asking because in the future it might be helpful to know what I generally have to look for.

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Old 01-22-2010, 10:10 AM
noob2001204 noob2001204 is offline
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Re: Big Probs downloading RTMPE video streams from, using rmtpdump

For newbie users like you,you can try the new program called rtmpsrv from rtmpdump 2.1c, it can show the parameters that can be used to download the stream that you are watching

I'd use this method if rtmpsrv doesn't work
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