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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Media file management > Removing copy-protection (like DRM, AACS)
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Old 01-27-2008, 11:14 PM
Mac2492 Mac2492 is offline
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HowTo Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg & FreeMe2 (from Windows Media Player)

I have a request + something that might help you all rolled into one...

Download drmdbg + freeme2 (2008/01/01)
Basically, I packaged drmdbg and FreeMe2 (the latest versions of both, so drmdbg is the January 1, 2008 version) and jotted down some quick instructions on how to use them from start to finish. (It starts at individualization and ends at freeing the DRM-protected content).

P.S. As always, scan for viruses (yes, I'm asking you to scan a file that I posted for viruses). I know that I'm trustworthy, but you don't. Stay safe. =)

That's the "something that may help you". Now here's my request...

Can someone (preferably someone who hasn't even individualized his/her computer yet) please follow the instructions step-by-step and tell me if everything works out? I want to make sure that I didn't miss a step or write down a step incorrectly. I already did the first few steps a while back, so I can't verify that they are correct.

Thanks, and enjoy... At the same time. x,X

Oh, and I take credit for nothing other than the instructions. Even then, you're free to post the instructions wherever (with or without credits... I don't really mind) you want.

For those who already have drmdbg and FreeMe2...
Instructions for Removing DRM with drmdbg and FreeMe2:
  1. Individualize your computer at:
  2. Open up "drmdbg.exe".
    Note: "drmdbg.ini" should be created in the "DRM Removal Kit" directory".
  3. May not be required! Do no change anything if the settings below already have paths filled in. In "drmdbg.ini", change:
    (on Windows XP) INTO
    path=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM\Cache\Indiv01.key
    (on Windows Vista) INTO
    • The path and number of the Individualization keys may vary, but these are the usual locations.
    • The files may be located on a different drive. They should be installed on your system drive by default, so replace "C" with your system drive letter.
    • Number variations will be something like "Indiv02.key", etc... Pick the highest number.
    • The keys are hidden by default... To make them visible, go to: (In Windows Explorer or Control Panel)
      "Tools (Windows Explorer Only) -> Folder Options -> View", then check "Show hidden files and folder" and uncheck "Hide protected operating system files".
      Once you find the key, replace the path in "drmdbg.ini" with the proper path.
  4. Restart "drmdbg.exe"
    • "[Insert Key Path Here] v11.0.6000.7000" should be displayed in the box beside "MultiScan". (With the proper key path inserted, of course)
    • A "DRM2" folder with "DRM2.key" should be created in the "DRM Removal Kit" directory.
      Note: Windows Media Player should open.
  5. Put the DRM-protected file into the "DRM Removal Kit" directory.
  6. Open up "drmdbg.exe", then press "MultiScan" after the keys are loaded.
  7. Take the necessary steps to play the media (validate the license).
  8. The keys will be displayed in the bottom box of drmdbg (beside "Clear").
    Note: The only part of the output that is required to decrypt the media is the SID...
  9. Drag the DRM-protected file onto "FreeMe2.bat", then paste its SID when asked to do so.
    Note: Right click, then click "Paste".
  10. Enjoy the DRM-free content!
Please help me find any mistakes. ^,^

Last edited by Mac2492 : 01-28-2008 at 12:49 AM.
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