I've been frequenting these boards since I made use of
Mirakagi, though I have never registered.
Not until now have I registered and for only one reason: Mirakagi is giving me problems. :P
I recently (few days ago) reinstalled XP, just for kicks. I purchased some Iron & Wine songs from Ruckus and now that I would like to convert them, Mirakagi gives me the following:
Mirakagi starts, code version 0.9
Found 0 keys in keyring.
Processing "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM\cache\Indiv01.key"
Version: ...
XML - Cert: 84 bytes, Key Storage: 1392 bytes.
IBX is misloaded - 010e0000h should be 00400000h!
It is finished.
I've tried finding my IBX version, but to no avail. I cannot locate my DRM folder, even after doing a search.
So, if you wouldn't mind, can you guide me through this?
And before you ask, my WMP version is 10, though I doubt that that will make a difference.
Thank you so much.