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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Media file management > Removing copy-protection (like DRM, AACS)
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Old 10-10-2006, 09:34 AM
Posts: n/a

FairUse4WM Worked...but only once

Hi, I have purchased membership to a video site, once a movie (.wmv) is downloaded, it required me to log on with user name and password to acquire license. After this, I tried using FairUse4WM and it worked perfectly. Now upon downloading a second video, there is no password required, but a 'Acquiring License' window etc still comes up, and says 'Licensed Installed, etc' I'm assuming it's just remembering my pw and username from a cookie.

Anyhow, the problem is this, upon trying to convert the 2nd file, I get this error from FairUse4WM: 'UNABLE TO DECRYPT: Windows Error 80030002 while finding KID in V9 store.'

Upon trying to play the original first file I downloaded, there is no longer a 'acquiring license' window at all (this is the original DRM protected file), as I assume the license is backed up. But everytime I try to play the 2nd file downloaded it still brings up a window 'acquiring license etc' everytime the movie is played. I tried backing up the license but it still goes and gets the license everytime. I hope I have provided enough information to be aided with my dilemma, any more information required to assist me, please ask.
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