FairUse4WM Worked...but only onceHi, I have purchased membership to a video site, once a movie (.wmv) is downloaded, it required me to log on with user name and password to acquire license. After this, I tried using FairUse4WM and it worked perfectly. Now upon downloading a second video, there is no password required, but a 'Acquiring License' window etc still comes up, and says 'Licensed Installed, etc' I'm assuming it's just remembering my pw and username from a cookie.
Anyhow, the problem is this, upon trying to convert the 2nd file, I get this error from FairUse4WM: 'UNABLE TO DECRYPT: Windows Error 80030002 while finding KID in V9 store.' Upon trying to play the original first file I downloaded, there is no longer a 'acquiring license' window at all (this is the original DRM protected file), as I assume the license is backed up. But everytime I try to play the 2nd file downloaded it still brings up a window 'acquiring license etc' everytime the movie is played. I tried backing up the license but it still goes and gets the license everytime. I hope I have provided enough information to be aided with my dilemma, any more information required to assist me, please ask. |
Solving problems with FairUse4WMFirst of all you make sure you use the latest version of FairUse4WM At the moment it is v1.3.
You may test Fairuse4wm on demo DRM protected files from fairuse4wm.com and ezdrm.com. Note that some WM installations will have multiple ECC key-pairs, so you will likely have to "Extract Keys" using multiple licensed files. If you find a file that doesn't convert, try extracting keys wth it. Once your whole set of keys is extracted, you will no longer need to run WM per file. To remove DRM protection from one-play license files: - Set your Windows Media player (WMP) to prompt on license acquisition - Open the file, and let WMP acquire the license - Do NOT click "Play", leave the WMP license window open - While the window is open, you can use FairUse4WM on the file If you experience problem using Fairuse4wm, but you have files you could re-download and re-acquire licenses for, you could re-individualize and try Fairuse4wm again. Back up your C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM folder before re-individualizing, in case you need to restore it later. After you re-individualize, try to unDRM your files first, before acquiring any new licenses. If it doesn't work, then try acquiring new licenses. You could also try dropping the files into the list in Fairuse4wm, right-clicking and getting the key info, and then using that with drm2wmv, but it won't work for me (no private key found for the files). You may ask Viodentia, the developer of Fairuse4wm, for more at the following thread http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=114916 |
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