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Rtmp Dump Castaba.tvHi all, i am very new with this stuff, and i need your help.
I have this website: Code: Code:
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type="text/javascript"> jwplayer("mediaspace").setup({ 'flashplayer': "", 'width': '650', 'height': '400', 'allowfullscreen':'true', 'allowscriptaccess':'always', 'wmode':'opaque', 'controlbar':'over', 'dock':'true', 'dock.position':'left', 'mute':'false', 'stretching':'', 'autostart': 'true', 'provider': '', 'file': '', 'plugins': '', 'config': '', 'logo.file':'', 'logo.hide':'false', 'logo.position':'top-right', '':'', 'rtmp.tunneling': 'false', 'abouttext':'CastAlba.TV - Stream Live Video', 'aboutlink':'', 'skin':'' }); </script> I would figure out how to obtain domain protected response of server but: - using above example how can i build pageUrl playpath and rest things what are needed to play via VLC and example command if possible. Can anyone explain me how can i do it manually? as of its domain protected i need a little generator written in php, to curl its page to obtain that required data. Please anyone have any thoughts?. Basically i need to convert from java to type like that Code:
rtmp://dynamic.ip/live playpath=dynamicplaypath swfUrl=http://whateverneeded pageUrl= Code: playpath=manifest.f4m swfUrl= pageUrl= 'file' section need to be splitted to two different things: This is beggining of rtmp link? ' and this is playpath? without backslash?? /manifest.f4m' -->manifest.f4m swfUrl would be ---> but i have tried to play it and wont play why? I have tried in simpletv player. Any thoughs? Thanks for any help guys! |
Re: Rtmp Dump Castaba.tvhi
not rtmp protocol but hds (f4m) protocol Code: z >>>i manifest.f4m >>> master.m3u8 so Code: |
Re: Rtmp Dump Castaba.tvMany thanks a lot, but what if i have rtmp link? Code:
<script type="text/javascript"> jwplayer("media38322e3234").setup({ 'flashplayer': "", 'file': '203633?313433383538373937335f3638316562626464663663616661613534616535336539316334373561663962', 'streamer': 'rtmp://', 'plugins': '', 'config': '', '':'', 'rtmp.tunneling': 'false', }); </script> Code:
'flashplayer': "", will be swfUrl="" ---------- 'streamer': 'rtmp://' its beggining of rtmp code and 'file' is a playPath = '203633?313433383538373937335f3638316562626464663663616661613534616535336539316334373561663962' or - extracted js Code:
<script type="text/javascript"> var so = new SWFObject('','mpl','100%','100%','9'); so.addVariable('plugins',''); so.addVariable('config',''); so.addVariable('file', unescape('%31%37%30%39%37%3f%4d%54%51%7a%4f%44%55%34%4e%6a%67%78%4e%44%73%77%5a%44%59%33%59%54%59%34%4f%57%45%30%59%32%55%33%4f%44%6b%31%4e%32%5a%68%4d%7a%45%78%4d%6d%46%68%4d%32%49%31%4e%47%51%31%59%77%3d%3d')); ============================================ UNESCAPE RESULT IS: 17097?MTQzODU4NjgxNDswZDY3YTY4OWE0Y2U3ODk1N2ZhMzExMmFhM2I1NGQ1Yw== =========================================== so.addVariable('streamer', 'rtmp://'); </script> I just do not know how to put them flash vars together to play a stream. |
Re: Rtmp Dump Castaba.tvi think you can use rtmpdumphelper + rtmpdump
but can you post a url channel like the first example for example for this channel with rtmpdumphelper + rtmpdump i find this for simpletv Code:
rtmp://$OPT:rtmp:// app=aljazeeraflashlive-live swfUrl= pageUrl= live=1 playpath=aljazeera_eng_high Code:
rtmp://$OPT:rtmp:// app=aljazeeraflashlive-live swfUrl= live=1 playpath=aljazeera_eng_high |
Re: Rtmp Dump Castaba.tvThanks a lot.
I thought i would be able to play this stream. But i can get it working... Can any one have a look for me if anything can be done to play this via rtmpdump + vlc? Code:
Polsat: rtmp server ip and playpath are changing every time you are trying to access stream 1sec later. I have written script to get it for me but still i can not play it. Please have a look at it and post me results or even better how did you managed to get it working. Hope hear of you soon! |
Re: Rtmp Dump Castaba.tvscript in php works
i'm newbie in php so the script can be improved you need run this script in rtmpdump folder or indicate the path of rtmpdump in line 15 this script may be shorter if the id channel doesn't change but in doubt Code:
<?php $php1=file_get_contents(''); $cidb= strpos($php1, '"text/javascript"> id="'); $cide=strpos($php1, '"; ew='); $cidf = $cide - $cidb ; $precid= substr($php1, $cidb , $cidf); $cid=str_replace('"text/javascript"> id="',"",$precid); $whb= strpos($php1, 'ew="'); $whe=strpos($php1, '"; eh='); $whf = $whe - $whb ; $prewh= substr($php1, $whb , $whf); $wh=str_replace('ew="',"",$prewh); $htb= strpos($php1, 'eh="'); $hte=strpos($php1, '";</script><script'); $htf = $hte - $htb ; $preht= substr($php1, $htb , $htf); $ht=str_replace('eh="',"",$preht); $php2=file_get_contents("$cid&wh=$wh&ht=$ht&"); $playpathb = strpos($php2, "'file': '"); $playpathe = $playpathb +102; $playpathf = $playpathe - $playpathb; $preplaypath = substr($php2, $playpathb , $playpathf); $playpath = str_replace("'file': '","",$preplaypath); $rtmpb = strpos($php2, "streamer': '"); $rtmpe = strpos($php2, "live',"); $rtmpf=$rtmpe - $rtmpb; $prertmp=substr($php2, $rtmpb , $rtmpf); $rtmp=str_replace("streamer': '","",$prertmp); $rtmp= $rtmp ."live"; echo "Starting vlc with rtmpdump...\n\n"; echo shell_exec("rtmpdump -r \"$rtmp\" -a \"live\" -p \"$cid&wh=$wh&ht=$ht&\" --live -y \"$playpath\" - | \"C:\\Program Files\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\vlc.exe\" - &"); echo "Done.\n"; ?> |
Re: Rtmp Dump Castaba.tvHi biezom,
Have You tried with this stream? I can not run it on outside server but just trying it on localhost. I have copied, rtmpdump, and vlc files to my D:/xampp/htdocs/ folder so rtmpdump and vlc are there too. Modified this script but it seems to not working at all.. hmm.. it gets path for video but wont run rtmpdump or vlc. Code:
<?php //phpinfo(); echo "exec is enabled\r\n"; $php1=file_get_contents(''); $cidb= strpos($php1, '"text/javascript"> id="'); $cide=strpos($php1, '"; ew='); $cidf = $cide - $cidb ; $precid= substr($php1, $cidb , $cidf); $cid=str_replace('"text/javascript"> id="',"",$precid); $whb= strpos($php1, 'ew="'); $whe=strpos($php1, '"; eh='); $whf = $whe - $whb ; $prewh= substr($php1, $whb , $whf); $wh=str_replace('ew="',"",$prewh); $htb= strpos($php1, 'eh="'); $hte=strpos($php1, '";</script><script'); $htf = $hte - $htb ; $preht= substr($php1, $htb , $htf); $ht=str_replace('eh="',"",$preht); $php2=file_get_contents("$cid&wh=$wh&ht=$ht&"); $playpathb = strpos($php2, "'file': '"); $playpathe = $playpathb +102; $playpathf = $playpathe - $playpathb; $preplaypath = substr($php2, $playpathb , $playpathf); $playpath = str_replace("'file': '","",$preplaypath); $rtmpb = strpos($php2, "streamer': '"); $rtmpe = strpos($php2, "live',"); $rtmpf=$rtmpe - $rtmpb; $prertmp=substr($php2, $rtmpb , $rtmpf); $rtmp=str_replace("streamer': '","",$prertmp); $rtmp= $rtmp ."live"; echo "Starting vlc with rtmpdump...\r\n"; echo "RESULT = D:/xampp/htdocs/rtmpdump.exe -r \"$rtmp\" -a \"live\" -p \"$cid&wh=$wh&ht=$ht&\" --live -y \"$playpath\" - | \"D:/xampp/htdocs/vlc.exe\" - &"; echo shell_exec(\"D:/xampp/htdocs/rtmpdump.exe -r \"$rtmp\" -a \"live\" -p \"$cid&wh=$wh&ht=$ht&\" --live -y \"$playpath\" - | \"D:/xampp/htdocs/vlc.exe\" - &"); echo "Done.\r\n"; ?> |
Re: Rtmp Dump Castaba.tvproblem with this line not / with windows path but \ and you need double Code:
echo shell_exec(\"D:/xampp/htdocs/rtmpdump.exe -r \"$rtmp\" -a \"live\" -p \"$cid&wh=$wh&ht=$ht&\" --live -y \"$playpath\" - | \"D:/xampp/htdocs/vlc.exe\" - &"); Code:
echo shell_exec(\"D:\\xampp\\htdocs\\rtmpdump.exe -r \"$rtmp\" -a \"live\" -p \"$cid&wh=$wh&ht=$ht&\" --live -y \"$playpath\" - | \"D:\\xampp\\htdocs\\vlc.exe\" - &"); |
Re: Rtmp Dump Castaba.tvhmm that its strange your code did not worked.
But have managed to get it working other way. Code:
$pathvar = 'rtmpdump.exe -r "'.$rtmp.'" -a "live" -p "'.$cid.'&wh='.$wh.'&ht='.$ht." --live -y "'.$playpath.'" - | "vlc.exe" - &'; echo $pathvar; echo exec($pathvar); |
Re: Rtmp Dump Castaba.tvQuote:
Hi again do You have anything simillar scriptwise for: ? Once again thank You. Last edited by newoneeeeeeeeee : 08-05-2015 at 11:22 AM. |
Tags: castalba, dump, how, rtmp |
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