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Old 04-29-2006, 11:01 PM
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BBC iPlayer: Download/capture/rip/save/record rtmp:// video streams from

I am desperately trying to find a program to download videos from this site:


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Old 04-30-2006, 01:26 AM
Stream Recorder
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get stream URL and record Windows Media or Real Video stream

First of all before using any stream recorder you need to get a stream URL
(you may skip this step when using WM Recorder and RM Recorder). To
find the URL use Packet Sniffer and URL Snooper software like free
Project URL Snooper (some stream recorders like WM Recorder, RM Recorder, Replay AV, GetAsfStream have a build-in URL finder).

Just play your stream and get the URL with any URL Snooper software.

After that you may use any stream recorder supporting Window Media or Real Video streams. All stream recorders are free or free to try.

I haven't checked the protocols used and whether DRM protection is used here 'coz this stream is available to users within the UK only.

Windows Media stream recorders are generally more reliable so I suggest you to use them. WM Recorder is the best Windows Media stream recorder.
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Old 12-27-2007, 11:23 AM
scenery scenery is offline
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record video stream from bbc or channel 4

I use ar wizard for audio Audio Record Wizard to record from streaming sources such as to Mp3 for my personal use, in the car etc it is incredibly simple and reliable and great quality.

I want to save videos from either bbc or channel 4 to watch later.
They are uk TV stations that stream the last 7 days tv for catch up purposes. You can stream or download but the download is time limited to 7 days. This is great but there are times when i miss the window and could do with saving them for later.

I don't know what format the downloads are but is there any video recording software that can save what plays on the screen?
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Old 12-27-2007, 03:12 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: record video stream from bbc or channel 4

Instead of Audio Record Wizard you can use free direct sound recording software.

I record "The Click" TV show from BBC. BBC offers this TV show in two formats: Windows Media streaming video as well as Real streaming videos. Windows Media streams are easier to capture, besides you can even use a freeware streaming media recorder. Although I prefer to record videos streams from BBC with commercial WM Recorder or NetTransport.

I don't have any access to channel 4 streaming videos, so I can't help you with it. But you can always test free trial versions of streaming media recorders. WM Recorder + Replay Media Catcher cover most of the recordable stream formats available.

I don't really know whether all the videos at channel 4 are available on the "Download to own" basis. But may be you can buy all the videos you really like.

They have some videos with rental licenses, but i don't know the format of such files as well, besides it is illegal to remove copy-protection from rented files.

You can use screen video capture software to record anything from your screen. In many cases alternative software like streaming media recorders will give you better quality and/or smaller files.
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Old 12-28-2007, 04:59 AM
scenery scenery is offline
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Re: record video stream from bbc or channel 4

Thanks for the advice and help

I plan to look at Replay ScreenCast and WM Recorder, I am always happy to pay for shareware that does the job.

I have Arwizard so well setup that i am happy to stick with it for the audio streams. However the links to the mp3 editors are welcome

thank you
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Old 08-12-2008, 01:56 PM
upinsmoke_22 upinsmoke_22 is offline
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BBC / BBC iPlayer : Can't download rtmp:// streams anymore?

Hi guys, I'm pretty new to this but I have tried everything I can to record from the BBC website, not the BBC iPlayer but the embedded media. eg there is a video of the Verve, how can I record this? I have tried WM Recorder and lots of others without success. Any help gratefully accepted!
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Old 08-13-2008, 11:33 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Recording from BBC website.

It is a flash video stream
It is available in the UK only.

Try to record it with the latest version of Replay Media Catcher, WM Recorder or other Flash stream recorder.
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Old 08-13-2008, 04:07 PM
upinsmoke_22 upinsmoke_22 is offline
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Re: Recording from BBC website.

Thanks for your help. I'm still having a few problems. I'm using WM Recorder 12 but when I add the URL above I get a pop up: Invalid URL etc, if I precede the URL with http:// I get the download window but it soon cancels. Is the protocol correct that I'm using? Oh, and how did you find out the URL of the video??

Many thanks.
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Old 08-13-2008, 04:23 PM
upinsmoke_22 upinsmoke_22 is offline
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Re: Recording from BBC website.

Hi, I've just downloaded the trial version of Replay Media Catcher and it's downloading the video as I type! Thanks for your help.
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Old 01-28-2010, 05:16 AM
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BBC / BBC iPlayer : Can't download rtmp:// streams anymore?

Your media player doesn't support video downloaded from BBC iPlayer? You don't want to use download BBC iPlayer videos with bloated BBC Download manager? Your operating system is not supported by BBC iPlayer?

Now you can download BBC iPlayer videos with freeware open-source command line utility get_iplayer. It is compatible with Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.

get_iplayer allows to download and save DRM-free videos from BBC iPlayer.

Please delete delete the downloaded videos after 30 days, as the rules of BBC iPlayer say. And NEVER share downloaded videos with others, because it is illegal!

Please note that if you want to download higher quality versions of BBC iPlayer videos, you need to wait about a day.

How to download BBC iPlayer videos with freeware get_iplayer:
  1. Open the Terminal (command line).
  2. Type
    get_iplayer -f
    to update the records.
  3. Type
    get_iplayer -g tv_program_name
    to download the select TV program

    In Linux you can also type
    get_iplayer -f | grep tv_program_name
    to get the ID of the TV program (with the name tv_program_name)
    then use the received ID to download the video. For example:
    get_iplayer -g 777
    will download TV program with ID 777.
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