Originally Posted by nullacht
example URL:
rtmpdump command:
rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://cp10740.edgefcs.net:1935/ondemand?ovpfv=1.1" -a "ondemand?ovpfv=1.1" -f "WIN 10,0,42,34" -W "http://media.mtvnservices.com/player/release/?v=4.2.0" -t "rtmpe://cp10740.edgefcs.net:1935/ondemand?ovpfv=1.1" -p "http://www.mtv.com/videos/real-world-san-francisco-ep-1-planes-trains-and-paddywagons/1607521/playlist.jhtml" -C Z: -y "mp4:mtvcomstor/_!/mtv.com/onair/real_world_3/mt_real_world_301_161167_S1_384x288_600.mp4" -o output.flv
Make sure you use rtmpdump 2.1c!
I tried this too, it gave me a constant error message and system crash.
I dunno why, but i don’t understand the used parameters either^^.
Can you explain them?
I think maybe the command doesn't work for me because there has been some error in copying your text, format blabla.
I used winword for it, and it freaks me out^^.
Originally Posted by noob2001204
The error message tells you this stream require SWF verification,it still downloads,but it will always stop at some point
I would suggest you to use -W to apply swfurl,swfsize and swfhash,it will download the stream without any problem
Since you're interested in resume downloading script,I post mine here
Save it as .bat file,It downloads the stream first time without resume option (-e or --resume),when it stops,press any key to continue,it will download with -e.When it finishes downloading,just close the batch file
It's strange,mine should work
-W or --swfVfy and --swfurl makes a huge difference,the latter doesn't calculate swfhash,swfsize itself and MTV.com does use SWF verification,you should apply the correct swf url unless you want to resume downloading yourself
I used your swfurl and it doesn't even download
Be sure to use -W,the uppercase W
I tried it again and it now works after some tries, I think because of the format of the text some errors occured, perhaps because winword always changes standard dash - to a long dash – .
Maybe copy/paste problems can explain too, why my command didnt work for you the way worked for me (with the obligation to use the resume function that is).
So this is your (adapted) command I used and it worked fine now (only problem is I have to copy each that ends with -letter one by one):
-r rtmpe://cp10740.edgefcs.net/ondemand/mtvcomstor/_!/mtv.com/onair/real_world_3/mt_real_world_301_161167_S2_640x480_1600.mp4
-W "http://media.mtvnservices.com/player/release/?v=4.2.0"
-o "e:\video4.mp4a"
Thanks for your help and for the script, I will try to understand it and see if it works but I guess if uppercase -W keeps working I wont need the script for now^^.
Btw. I am in fact using
rtmpdump 2.1c